You're welcome sir. I am glad we could provide this reminder service. On the other hand you would think that you didn't get to earning 2.4 million a year by neglecting bills,especially tax bills.
How can you tell me you didn't know that you owed money. You have owed on each assessment for the last 5 years. That means you got the assessment itself, listing what you owed for that year (and why) as well as amounts owing from previous years. You would have got 30, 60, and 90 day notices every time. Plus you even received a notice a couple of months ago telling you what you owed. And now you tell me that you didn't know? Maybe if you had dealt with each year as they happened you would owe multi-thousand dollars now.
I know I did not identify where I was calling from, but I really did not like talking to your mother who has alzheimers. It wasn't the most confusing call I have had, but it was close. I can see how that would deter telephone sales. However, once we identified who I was I was more that happy to help you out by telling about the form that would let you speak to us on your mother's behalf. Let's not put anybody else here through one of those calls.
No, I can't make an arrangement for you. You were an idiot and ignored everything sent your way. Now you owe too much for me to be able to do anything and the next level of collections has kicked in. Yes, I know they are sometimes nasty. Its their job to deal with idiots like you.
Don't get mad at me. I am simply the messenger. I am not the one who did your taxes. Yes I am sorry that you owe, but the bottom line is that you still owe. No, I don't think quitting your job and not taking welfare or unemployment is going to solve your problems with always owing on your income tax.
I don't believe you when you tell me that Mr X does not live there anymore. I could hear him telling you what to say to us. Our headsets are very good and come with a volume control. You would be surprised what we can hear..
Did my letting you rant help you out? I am sorry that everything seems so unfair to you. Perhaps you need another outlook on life. I have talked with people in far worse situations than you, but still want to clear up their account, and even though worse off that you dear tax payer, have an outlook on life that even I am envious of. They are happier with less. You could learn a lesson or two from them. [we all probably could].
I now see how people at the collections centre get hardened or jaded over time, and how it happens quicker than I would have thought. I still try to be aware that many of the people I talk to are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, and that some are truly what I would call "hardship" cases. There are some call centre agents who have very high performance statistics, but have them at the expense of the taxpayer. They have forgotten who ultimately pays their salaries, and that is the taxpayer. Most simply do their jobs. And I know that there is at least handful of others who care enough about the t/p to take the time to talk to them, even at the expense of their performance stats. Ultimately, for me anyways, its about the person on he other end of the phone, not how many calls I can do in an hour.