
Sep 25, 2005 21:40

Ok, Thanksgiving is getting pretty close and i think the weekend before falls on the day that Phils killing the chickens. So i think we should do the weekend after. It'd just be better. So that gives everyone a little more time to figure out what the hell is goin' on.


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Comments 2

dhoal September 26 2005, 19:22:01 UTC
weekend im killing the chickens is the weekend of the first, thanksgiving, unlike me thinking it was on the 14th, is on the 10th which is a monday

Sat the 8th, which is the sat before thanksgiving and then youve got the 15th, which is the day of the auction, does'nt matter much to me, but i will be At the auction, so the supper would have to be in the evning, At the erlyest, lets say 5ish and up, but lets keep in mind the time to cook the food.


mr_mike1 September 26 2005, 22:01:14 UTC
Well lets do the 15th. The evening is fine.


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