Oct 08, 2006 18:01
Congradulations to Gilbert Jimenez
He's the latino with the mojo.
That is all!
Sep 26, 2006 20:29
I'm now going back with something
Finally something to lose
Fuck those carefree days
Days of singing and dancing
When I thought all was lost
Now there's too much
Too much to lose
Brush bye
Push past
Struggle through
Weep no more
I'll live forever
If I don't die in the process
Sep 24, 2006 23:41
yp jsbr s;,pdy rbrtuyjomh o esmy om ;ogr/
Remember that, children.
Sep 24, 2006 11:30
For the last two weeks to kill myself and I've come to terms with that. I'm pretty secure with my whole living situation suddenly, not because it's going right; but because it can only get better from here... When you hit rock bottom you can never do anything but stand up.
Sep 11, 2006 22:07
Guess I fucking had it coming.