Things I said I would do that I still have not:
1. Learn to actually be able to play my guitar non free bird after 2 years of saying I will.
- Its now been 3 years, and I still have not found the time to learn to tune the damn thing. Arg.
2. Double the amount of money I currently have saved in my "life savings" savings account.
- Unexpected bills came up and I was forced to depleat it my savings, not add to it.
3. Read more of the books already on my shelves instead of buying new ones.
- I bought new books anyway, and have not read most of the ones I have already. I need to read on the bus more.
4. Learn to speak and write fluent french.
- I have no real way to practice and learn, outside of R, and it doesnt help me advance in life so its been a lower priority.
5. Frame and hang every single piece of art I have now that I have a list of what frames I need. Get a copy of VG's 'Starry Night' and frame it in a black frame, and a copy of that knight painting (The accolade) and hang it over the bed.
- Expensive, no money.
6. Clean and sort every piece of clothing I have and make sure everything I end up keeping actually fits me and I want it. If not, donate it to a local animal friendly Thrift store.
- No time, lack of funds to replace what I would throw out. I cant even find new shoes that will fit my huge feet that meet my needs.
7. Update my will and make sure My cat will be taken care of if something happens to me.
- Expensive, no time.
8. Hook up every gaming console I have (TI-HC, Atari 2600, Atari Flashback 2, NES, Super NES, N64, Dreamcast, PS2) so they don't just sit there and do nothing while taking up space.
- Not really a big priority, given that I hardly play video games on consoles anymore.
9. Rip to 320kps mp3 my entire physical music CD collection for compatibility with my Zune player and put it on the 300 gig raid1 array.
- My Zune30 died with every single other one no the planet yesterday, and I have not had the time to do this anyway.
10. Figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life now that being a super hero is no longer an option.
- lol, Still trying to figure this one out...
Things I said I would do and actualy did:
1. Get the 'Angel' soundtrack CD to finish my collection.
- I'm listening to it now.
2. Look into the possibility of learning to drive.
- Did so, but I dont pass the vision requirments.
3. Get a Seattle phone number (land line). I have noticed that using only Walla Walla numbered cell phone can be an issue.
- I now have a SiP/VoIP seattle based number at the house
4. Contact the DSB and see what they can do for me.
- They can do nothing as I have a job, and make too much money.
5. Send a yellow crayon to the world.
- Did that, still feeling weakened.
Things I want to do in the next year on top of the things I did not do before:
1. Plant some money making seeds that will cashflow by the end of the year, in the form of a buisness, rental property, something.
2. Resock the wood pile behind the house we we dont freeze next winter.
3. Actualy get things on my list of things to do, done.
4. Look more into leveraging OPT using some of the stuff I learned from Tim Ferris.
5. Figure out what my prioroties really are so next year I dont have the trouble figuring out what to add to this list like I am having now.