heh. today was pretty fucking good. work was easy. i sold a phone, so that means i get an extra $20 in my shitty paychecks. but the night after was better.
Luisito called me up, so I went to his house to chill and shit. took my father's new Land Rover, which he practically stole. Mario joined us and became a storyteller. He's the man. If i still had my virginity, I'd be obligated to give it to him in reverence of his badassness. well, after storytime Mario left and I played a lil Battlefield on Luis's fucking Monster of a laptop. that shit owns.
then at like midnight i took Luis, his bro, and his two friends to go blow up watermelons and shoot fireworks near an old Cement factory. Although we thought the place was deserted, we noticed fucking lights from a trailer home that never used to be there. and we saw a couple of cars driving off into the dark distance...SPOOKEY!!!!1! So then we fucked around in the poorly lit place, I even attempted to ditch them once, leaving them stranded in the dark. but they got their justice when they ditched me when i returned 2 minutes later. this is when i found out just how fun driving a land rover is. it's MADE for backroads and bumps and ditches and shit.
heh, then we shot a few fireworks near the edge of the huge lake next to the cement factory. fun stuff, but the echo caused by the sound hitting the nearby forest was so loud that the fireworks sounded like Fucking gun shots, which caused one of the two cars who left into the distance to come HAULING ASS back after us. at that point, i was like "OH FUCK!!". so we all dipped into my Rover and hauled ass out of there. at first i thought they were just passing through, going to go past us, but i realized that the fuckers were actually chasing me! HOLY SHIT! so i fucking floored it, made a 90 turn onto another street at like 40mph, drifting... and just floored it again. like two seconds after the turn, i look back... i see the car speed into the turn and bail into some bushes on the side of the dirt road. once i was in the clear, i headed back to the main roads and just went twisting and turning through neighborhood complexes. just to make sure. Heh. all in all. FUn night.