First best friend : Anthony, known him since we were 7.
First real kiss: her name's Grace.
First break-up: The Beatles. they kept holding me back.
First self purchased album: Limp Bizkit - significant other
First pet: Godzilla. the name of my old basset hound.
First true love: still looking
First enemy: some kid in 1st grade, but i got my justice.
First musician you rember hearing: that "let me ride that donkey" song.
Last cigarette: over a month ago. cigarrettes aren't that fun.
Last car ride: dropping my father off at the airport. i've got his house to myself till March.
Last kiss: now now, one shouldn't kiss and tell.
Last cry: when watching Kung Pow, due to the waste of $7.
Last library book checked out: Sigmund Freud - The Interpretation of Dreams.
Last movie seen: Fight Club. this movie's awesome.
Last food consumed: a cuban steak with rice and a salad, made by yours truly.
Last crush: might be you!
Last phone call: some kid from my Physics class, who needs help....ALL THE TIME.
Last time showered: i already took my monthly shower
Last shoes worn: my sturdy old ass diesels.
Last cd played: Tiesto - Just Be
Last item bought: MY ULTRAFEST TICKET! talk to me if you all want any too, they're $61 total now, but it's seriously worth it. hell, i might spot a portion for you if you're short.
Last annoyance: my two dogs.
Last disappointment: my fridge ran out of beer.
Last time wanting to die: when i was immature and stupid. now nothing really affects me that way any more.
Last time scolded: don't know, don't care
Last shirt worn: my wifebeaters, like always.
What is in your cd player?: um, everything.. i cant keep track of my cds anymore
What color socks are you wearing?: black
What color of underwear are you wearing?: white hawaii ones
What's under your bed?: fireworks and my shoes
What time did you wake up today?: whenever eddies mom said her husband was on his way home
Where do you want to go?: Anywhere really. but definitely Amsterdam and Prague
What is your career going to be? professional student/something in research/Ballatician/certified superthug...
Where are you going to live?: probably Europe, Europe is just great.
How many kids do you want?: however many she wants....or they want?
What kind of car(s): Subaru WRX, X247 Rocketship, jet boots.
[get to know you]
Name: Adam,
Age: 18
Height: 6'3"
Sign: Open for Business
Hair Color: brown/black
Eye Color: i want contacts, those are cool.
Foot Size: 13
Birthplace: miami.
Pre-school: i have no idea
Elementary School: Tropical
Middle School: South Miami
High School: mast academy, C-Squared!
College: the International University of Florida
Favorite Elementary School Memory: sitting in the back of the class doodling during English time. I was assigned an english book and homework that was two grades ahead of my class, so i couldn't participate even if i wanted to.
Favorite Middle School Memory: winning a fight against some little punk, then gaining the respect of the rest of his "gang" friends.
Favorite High School Memory: there's so many... Crew, pranks, Fiz class, skipping, Watermelons, Potato guns, pool, sandpits, good stuff!
Shower How Often?: i take 10 minute showers every 3 seconds.
Morning or Night Showers?: whichever's more fitting, usually morning though.
Brush Teeth How Often?: 3 times a millenia.
Floss? (Don't lie!): do they even make floss any more?
Shampoo Brand: Selsun Blue or the cheap shit. i'm practically bald, i don't need shampoo.
Soap/Body Wash Brand: old spice Red Zone, because it was a 2 for 1 sale that day.
Lotion Brand: ky, true.
Face Wash Brand: ethanol.
Toothbrush Color: blue
Body Spray: axe or jean paul gaultier
[love, hate, rejection, and all the fun stuff.]
Define Love: an attraction.
Have you ever mistaken love for lust? if by lust, you mean an attraction dominated by bad characteristics, then not anymore.
Are you in love? With who?: i'm attracted to some girls...
If yes, are you sure it's love? Or is it just strong like: the difference really doesn't matter.
If no, have you ever been in love?: many times.
What happened?: things change.
Have you ever been used?: probably, with my knowing too.
What happened and why?: whatever it was/is, it's irrelevant.
Have you ever used someone?: i've never been subversive with my intentions. deception's never helpful.
Biggest disappointment (relationship wise): these is some hard questions... the disappointment is mostly with myself
Most Memorable Kiss?: ...that's my secret.
Ever been dumped?: who hasn't?
Worst hugger: Impossible!
Best kisser: ...wouldn't you like to know? you should find out!
Are you friends with any of your exes?: probably. not my business to know these things.
[random questions because i'm done with catagorizing]
What are you wearing?: jeans and a wifebeater: the costume of comfort.
What are you doing?: aside from this survey, i'm staving off sleep again.
What do you want to do with your life: enjoy it!
One Naughty Secret: ask me personally.
One Silly Secret: i play ALOT of video games, i just have too much time on my hands.
One Bad Habit: i don't sleep at night.
One Bad Personality Trait: i'm lazy...
One Good Habit: i give credit where it's due.
One Good Personality Trait: i'm empathic, i guess.
One Natural Talent: extremely quick learner... and i'm psychic.
One Acquired Talent: i can leap tall buildings in a single bound.
Thing you want to do once in your life: experience nirvana
Thing you will never do in your life: get into politics. i'm not stupid.
Where do you want to travel to? Amsterdam, Prague, The rest of Europe. except for the eastern side, that side blows.
Where will you never go?: Middle America and Africa.
What do people not get about you? ...that i know a thing or two...
What do you need?: ...someone to talk to...