The darkness seems colder than usual...
Do I miss you when you sleep?
Late Arrival
AP French
AP Psychology
AP English
Independent Study (AP Computer Science AB)
Early Dismissal
My schedule this semester is the best I've ever had. I'm glad I'm ending High School this way. It makes me happy.
But... right now I'm sad. I'm not sure what's going on with my friends. I'm not sure what's going on with my family. I'm not sure when I'll be able to drive my own car. I'm not sure...
It makes me happy to see you lying there.
Will calculating the odds of poker hands be entertaining enough to do for an entire semester? I hope so, because that's probably what I'll be doing for ELP. That, or organizing a rating system for my games and applying it to them.
Neither sounds interesting right now.
Maybe it's too late for me to be updating my livejournal. Maybe I'm wasting time. It doesn't really matter, does it...