attempting to look up online the ultimate nocker cuss word to use as the subject heading for my last post i stumbled across this website
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you know, i was just looking at this site the other day and thinking what a great and well-developed idea this was and how much fun i had talking oz with you while you were working it all out. i was looking because allyson has a few witch characters in her game of the sims and i was trying to remember if the with of the north ever had a canonical name - you had Endora listed on the site (which i don't remember where it came from, other than there was a witch in bewitched named Endora), but the only canonized name i could find was Lacosta (baum's stage play) and thompson's oz books has her as "tattypoo" (which is a terrible name for a good witch - and i never cared much for her books).
yeah thats always been a little weird. Thats one of the reasons i made her so mysterious and inaccessible in the game, since i pretty much didnt know a thing about her. I agree Tattypoo is a shitty name.
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