So, I'm thinking about rejoining the Camarilla in order to play Changeling. I've had the book for a couple of months now and have ideas percolating. Now I need character ties (and a VSS, but that will be hopefully available soonish).
The character is currently more of a skeleton than a fleshed out character. I know a number of characteristics that I want to have and specific life-changing events in mind, but I'm flexible on almost all of the details, which should help in fitting in with any of you who are interested in character ties.
Basic concept: After escaping he was full of hate and rage and ended up as one of the heavily violent members of the Summer Court, possibly even being a Tolltaker. A couple of years ago something traumatic happened that completely changed his behavior. He switched to the Winter Court and while not a complete pacifist is unwilling to kill anymore. Seeming/kith has yet to be determined, though I'm leaning towards being either a Beast or Elemental.
He was stolen as a teenager, and ended up in a role related to violence. Since I haven't settled on a seeming, this could mean a lot of things (some possibilities below):
-hunting hound/hawk/other animal
-the prey used in hunts for amusement
-a gladiator
-a guard or soldier
Regardless of the exact nature of his enslavement, there was one other changeling who he was clearly closer to than all others (maybe a lover, maybe just a close comrade, this role is not available to be filled), but they did not manage to escape with him.
I'm mostly looking for connections with people either from his enslavement or during his Summer Court days. Not all connections need be friendly though I'm not interested in ones that would cause us to want each other dead (near-mortal enmity of another pseudo-pacifist could be okay *grin*). I've left most of his background above deliberately vague to make it easier to make connections, and can easily mold the time during enslavement to accommodate other backgrounds.