I was going to write about the experience of what it was like going to Mexico, but I think a summary of my reaction would be much easier to read and would be better to record.
First, one of many stories. A woman gave birth and took her baby home. Two weeks later it was sick so she took him to the hopital bagging for treatment. They told her that her baby would be fine and to go home. Her baby died on the cab ride home. This is the plight of the poor in Mexico. No money? Then go home.
We built two houses for two families. One family was the family of the granddaughter of a priest named Jesus (everyone called him Chewy for some reason). Their house would be built on a small area next to the Chewy's house which was a horrible foundation for a house because it was on loose dirt raised five feet above the street on a downward slant that was poorly supported.The other for a family who I was never well acquainted with. Theirs was built near a farm or dumpo in a desolate place that smelled awful. Both were awful places to live, but they were houses. Neither house had plumbing, but they were houses. Both houses only had three rooms and a small loft for families of more than five, but they were houses. The families were so thankful they made us food, cried and thanked us, prayed for us and invited us to stay at their house at any time. That's pretty beautiful. They really didn't have to do any of those things, especially considering their situation. But to invite us to stay out their home was pretty big. "This is your house, you can stay whenever you want." That is true gratitude.
The man who organized everything in Mexico was named Sergio. He was quite the man. He had a friend named Frank. He was amazing as well. Frank dedicated his life to Christ when he was older. He runs an old folks home. Frank was originally not a man of God. At some point in time, he decided to help churches build houses because he was assisted by a church. So he would build houses. But he did not believe in God. Eventually he became Christian, but in the same way most "Christians" are in that we believe in Christ and claim to follow Him, but aren't willing to sacrifice anything. Frank was called one day to interpret a sermon for a pastor from New York. If he had known that's what he was being forced to do, he would not have come. Frank was scared. He did not want to do this at all. But the congregation calmed him and his priest prayed over him. Frank was suddenly more than excited to interpret and since then he became more dedicated to God. He started the old folks home and in the face of death daily, perseveres to deliver the Word of God to many.
Sergio began the organization to build houses. He converted many. However he shared with us his one loss. One man, 19 years of age, took his life in the building. "How God can I continue to serve you when in this building that I built for You, a man took his life?" Sergio felt as if he had failed. As if the works he did were tainted. If he continues to build will the hearts of the people truly be changed? Well while we were there I met a kid named Martin, who was pretty funny but really quiet and helped work on the house with us. The last day we were in Mexico he shared that Martin was not Christian, but his mother was. His dad was alcoholic and left them. Martin was taken under Sergio's wing because his mother wanted him under his care. She was becoming sick and was in the hospital. Martin went and lived with Sergio. And just that week, in the same room that the man had taken his life, Martin told Sergio that he had decided to dedicate his life to Christ. On the sunday of our return, the 30th, Martin went to church and we all prayed for him as we made our way through LA to go home.
Sergio told us another story. A story of what a house does. There once was a man who spent all of his money on drugs. He had a family and his mother and wife had a church build them a house. Upon seeing the house the man was a bit confused. The mother and wife prayed and thanked the Lord for the house, for He was the one who gave it to them. While praying the baby they had, who had an infection and had not peed for three days was scheduled to have an operation. But before it was performed, Sergio and others prayed for the baby and upon demanding it to be better "a stream of liguid came out like a fountain." Sergio said he witnessed a miracle that day. Several years later the man returned to Sergio with a second miracle. He came with a white suit and a guitar and bible in hand. He was a priest now and he thanked Sergio for changing his life and bringing the Lord to him.
In Mexico I was doing God's work. I felt pretty good. Sergio seems to be the first man I've met who is totally committed to Christ. His entire life is dedicated to doing His works. He goes to work not for money, but for love. His boss is God. That is what I want for my life. I don't know if I'll ever be that disciplined, but that is what I want to do. Dedicate my life to God absolutely. God, help me work for You. God, help me stay strong.