La raza de Aang: ¿Caucasoide o Mongoloide?

Feb 04, 2010 22:18

Thought this was interesting. It's a Spanish adaptation of the two posts that used my manips [ this one and this one]

Link ---> ¿Será europeo o asiático?


Is it European or Asian?
When it comes to anime usually have the mistaken idea that the Japanese make their drawings look European people, the anime is depicted with faces of Caucasians and more or less square jaw, blue eyes and hair not very large yellow, rest with rounded faces (typically Asian).

Many say that Aang is Caucasian, most of these arguments are repeated:

* The creators designed it as a target.
    * No slanting eyes
    * You have big blue eyes
    * Has the white skin
    * Etc.

Aang's eyes are gray but usually appear brown.
Therefore, in accordance with these arguments, that is unmistakably Asian Aang has to look like this:

Pretty ridiculous, right? Especially by the fact that Asians do not have this in real life.

On the other hand, we all know how such stereotypes are still in use, and how people are completely brainwashed by the media. It's hard to look beyond these stereotypes when grown with them.

But education and awareness is a good thing, so let's try to break some stereotypes.
Here a video with English subtitles, but the images speak by themselves.

image Click to view

Despite the stylization Mike DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko have made a serious attempt to imitate the real faces of Asia / Inuit etc. In an interview with Konietzko said how much anime design is based on the real world.
In short: They made the characters look Asian / Inuit.

DiMartino and Konietzko If they really wanted to do a story about Caucasian children who dress like Asians, transmitting the Caucasian features in its design character, Aang would look like:

This is a White! Aang would be with Caucasian facial features - with big blue eyes and a more accurate color. Obviously, that Aang is not the series. The artists and artworks that were a great inspiration to DiMartino and Konietzko are quite capable of representing the facial features of a Caucasian. So why for the creators is so difficult to make white Aang? Why not try. What they did is draw facial features of Asian and not Caucasian!

And that is why Aang looks like this:

White (leukoderma, Caucasian or European)
Yellow (xantodermo, Mongoloid or Asian)

Based on RaceBending, images MrCab

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