hello. this is my new user picture and its fuckingb AWQESOKME!! for real.
actually, this is jenn, but sean is sitting next to mebeing a gayfag but that picture rules. you canjsee half my face. sean in a nicebioy and i think hes awesome. TEAM AWESOME FOREVERBITCHASSSES!! hahahh lots of love hojmies
- So what's with this whole me leaving for lake george a day early thing? I'm really not liking it, I should have just told my parents now, I need to stop being a pushover. Either way, I'm leaving in the morning and won't be able to talk to anyone for the rest of the week =( But when I come back, theres one more week of summer, and it is
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- So yeah, I definately think I'd be really hot if I could wear makeup...not in a creepy way, just like touch up, like the kind you would get before a photo shoot. Anybody want to help me out? It could be a really fun time
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- So its friday, which is the day that never makes sense. I worked till 8 this morning, and now I have to go back to work in a couple of hours. That is not fun. I want to do something after work, so how about someone calls me? thanks
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Tommorow is the day! 311 woot woot! Actually, now that I think about it, today is the day! I'm so excited...what a good summer it's been for concerts, I hope I have enough money to go to Saves The Day and Taking Back Sunday
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Ah so refreshing, I actually was able to sleep till when I felt like waking up today, I havent done that in at least a week. I think the biggest problem with my lack of sleep has been my ability to say no to going out really late at night, just because I love night
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So yeah, I haven't updated this thing in forever. Number 1 reason, I don't stop doing things, such as work, playing shows, sleeping and my latest obsession, warcraft III. But it's time for an update, so here we go
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