MrCozy gits stupid

Jul 17, 2006 22:48

For some reason, I'm inclined to share two of my most recent moments of idiocy.

I haven't been sleeping well for a few weeks; I keep waking up in the middle of the night, and have always had trouble getting back to sleep. Given stress at work and an undeniable coffee habit, this isn't really a surprising trait. A few nights ago, however, I happened to wake up and notice my wristwatch alarm sounding. For some inexplicable reason, it had been set to go off at 3:59AM. I have no idea how long it's been that way, but I can only imagine how much time has been shaved off my life expectancy as a result. I place some blame on mfh for being such a deep sleeper.

Last night, I decided to fire up the DVD player on my laptop and finish watching Doom (2005) (which, by the way, doesn't completely suck as long as your expectations are established early). mfh was dutifully working on her Java homework, so I plugged in my headphones. To my surprise, the headphone jack wouldn't engage. I looked at the side of the laptop, realized that both the headphone and microphone jacks looked "kinda funny," and they tried to insert the plug again. No dice; just falls out. Doesn't work in the mic jack, either.

Dammit. This thing is precisely one month old, and I've apparently managed to bust off whatever holds the jacks in place such that they've moved inside. I'm busily trying to remember where I found that site that shows how to take these things apart, and make a side comment that causes mfh to remark, "you know that'll void the warranty, right?" $^#&. There are downsides to warranties when you're inclined to fix them yourself. Now I get to learn all about how to get my new shiny repaired. I managed to find the page to get an appointment at the Palo Alto "Genius Bar" so some overpaid retail flunky can tear into it and replace a tiny screw. No dice -- all the page will tell me is that I can't schedule an appointment in advance (WTF?). Now I have to toddle over to the store the next day and hope for the best. I've already switched my entire work/play world over to this thing, so this is decidedly not a welcome event.

It's around this time that I get up from the couch and notice that my headphones have a lapel clip on them. My headphones don't have a lapel clip on them -- my Treo headset does. These are not my headphones. My headphones have a proper mini-plug, not the flipping 2.5mm Treo plug. Where the f*ck are my headphones? And what am I doing in this hand basket?!?

If I had a tail, it would be firmly stuck between my legs. However, as I happen to be a relatively advanced primate, I'll just stick my foot in my mouth, and do so publicly so as to discourage this type of behavior in the future.
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