
Jan 04, 2006 03:10

This is usually a 3" deep, 3' wide stream. Its by a horse training place. It turned into this, and destroyed a fence letting horsi all over the place (well not really, they only went across the road). It also undercut the road a bit, and covered a huge field with sand/mud.

Here's the real story, though:

Basically, the creek went insane and decide to make a new path across the road. The pictures don't really do it justice- the road is missing almost all the dirt underneath one lane for that entire length. They also don't give you a sense of the depth (except for maybe the 3rd and last photos); from the road to the bottom of the new creek, its about 5'. Unfortunately the photographer didn't turn around to photograph the 10' wall of rock and dirt (a shitty levee) the creek penetrated, which was pretty impressive.

When I attempted to drive through the day after the storm, the road was totally blocked. For about 1/8 mile there was 2" of water, covered in small rock. After that was the whole goddamned creek pushing over the road, about 1' of very rapidly moving water for 25'. All over the road were the giant rocks (football-sized) that in the photos were pushed off the road, in piles as high as 4'.

The retard who lives by the place was out to inform people that they couldn't pass. Thanks alot, buddy, really couldnt have guessed that. Next time I see a road with an olympic pool's worth of water flowing across it every 5 seconds, and enough rocks to stop an Abrahams tank, I'll make sure to call you before I try to drive through it. That guy really is an obnoxious idiot. In the middle of a beautiful, twisting, green oak forest, is his shitty house. And oh is it shitty. Aluminum siding, childrens toys all over the backyard, tents FULL of random useless junk all over the rest of the 1/8th-acre plot, all with a beautifull piece of 1" dia. PVC piping to arch its muddy 8' driveway. He delivers balloons in a Ford Windstar...but he does have a RAZR!.

Stupid RAZR. All it does is try to be thin, and its not even very good at that, or being a cell phone for that matter.

EDIT: Is it just me or is the first photo on this page http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5076012 comically perfect? I laughed so hard when I saw that, they can't seriously expect me to believe a bird did that. What, did he fly through a paint mixer first?

Birds run into the windows on my living room all the time (its in a U-shape, birds can see in one side and out the other very clearly). On one hand its very sad, they die pretty often, but it has to be one of the funniest ways for something to die. I've laughed more than a couple times. Its especially funny when they hit the window, back up, then fly right back into the window.
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4990320 here is a good poet, the first poem he read is awesome. his other peom i cannot find, its called the trouble with poetry (its much better when he reads it than just reading it). listen. funny. I really, really despise poetry, but this guy is very good (or at least I did despise it). okay its almost 6am im going to sleep.
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