Answer the following questions under the cut to be added.
1. What is your religion? Why do you believe it, how long have you believed it, and if not all your life, what were your previous religious beliefs and why?
2. Do you like animals? Why or why not. (specifically pets)
3. If you could be any animal what animal would you be?
4. What are two adjectives that first come to mind when describing that animal?
5. What is your favorite animal? (can be different or the same answer as question 3)
6. What are two adjectives describing admiral characteristics of your favorite animal?
7. You are in a completely white room, with no furniture. Just four white walls, a white floor, and a white ceiling. Explain what/how your feeling.
8. You are lounging under an endless blue sky in warm blue water. Explain what/how your feeling.
9. What is your favorite color?
10. Where and when do you feel most comfortable or most relaxed?
11. How old are you / when were you born?
12. What schooling have you received in the past or are you receiving now?
13. Do you suffer from any mental illness or such things as triskadecaphobia, or others such as bipolar/manic depressive disorder, OCD, unipolar disorder, etc.?
14. You are listening to one of your friends, telling a story, and they begin to use their expansive vocabulary, using words you don't know. What do you do? (during and after)
15. Who is your idol and why?
16. Do you have any talents, and if so what are they?
17. If you could have any one of your sexual fantasies fulfilled with whomever you wanted, what and who would it be?
18. What angers you the most and why? (you can make a list here. it's okay)
19. How do you express yourself?
20. You're feeling generous and decide to spoil your significant other today. What do you do for them?
21. What is the first thing that attracts you to people?
22. What is your favorite book and why?
23. What state do you live in?
24. Would you consume psychedelic or other intoxicating substances that at which point are illegal if they were legal?
25. Did that last question make any sense?
26. How do you like my hair?
27. What's your sun sign?
28. What's your favorite beverage?
29. For what reason, be it known or unknown, or if just a random act, did you add me?
30. Who were you for, Obama or McCain, and why?
31. What do you currently do for a living?
32. What is/was your favorite subject in school?
33. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
34. What kind of music do you like the most and who are your favorite bands and artists?
Answer and be added. Happy addings!
Love Always,
Mr. Freak
P.S. Извините, но я не говорю по-русски, и я не думаю, что это справедливо, чтобы Вы могли читать мои личные мысли и жизненный опыт, если я не могу читать ваши. Я не намерен звука среднее, но моя конфиденциальность высокую оценку, и я просто не думаю, что это очень справедливо. Поэтому, пожалуйста, если вы намерены добавить мне, пожалуйста, говорите Английский и журнала по умолчанию будет Английский язык.
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