Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. There's not a whole lot going on right now other than school and... well, school. I got my physics exam back today. I guess I did well, but I was hoping for better. Oh well, no complaints from me. I had a cafeteria meeting today. Now I'm an OFFICIAL food slave! Oh yeah, I have a meeting with Professor Holloway
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Comments 5
You were no except, though the standard deviation is undoubtedly pretty high b/c you have only 5 journal entries, nonetheless your average post number is 2.2 (not including this post).
In fact, most people have no particular reason to complain when compared to my journal: in 59 entries I've amassed 48 comments. That's a paltry average of 0.81 posts per entry.
What's irking you is probably a comparison of your own comment numbers to a certain Mr. billstylie, who averages a shockingly large 8.8 comments per journal posting. Basically this tells me that my philosophies about livejournal are in the minority (just like my philosophies regarding what seems to be everything else), since bitching about girls, shamelessly promoting masturbation, recalling but not recounting substance abuse episodes, complaining about how busy life is, and bitching about girls seems to be the big draw for audience participation.
I'm not really bothered by how many comments Will gets because he's actually a good writer. Masturbation, substance abuse, and whining are all very good things, and for them, we thank Will. The thing that does bother me is that every person that I talk to on AIM tells me that they read the journal. So I've decided that they're just too lazy to read AND post. Bastards.
You've all been talking about me!
I thank you Brandon for your compliment on my writing, and I curse you Dave for yet another blow aimed somewhere in the region of my nuts. Hasn't Howard Stern taught you kids anything. Sex and Drugs sells. Later tonight on my webjournal I'll be describing 2 women having sex while simultaneously drinking and smoking weed. It should be interesting and I'm expecting about 8.33 replies. Thank you and goodnight.
I got curious one day when I noticed that Will/Bill/whatever-the-fuck-he-decided-you-should-call-him-when-he-met-you had no less than 6 comments in each post on my friends page this weekend, whereas my last comment was posted by me correcting something I said back in March about the last In Lear Rosa show b/f finals the day b/f. So I was kind of curious about actual numbers.
And as for you, Bill, I would have actually landed hit your nuts by now if that tremendous penis of yours wasn't constantly getting in the way like some overly large speed bag. It's a good thing you regularly beat the life out of that thing, else one of my attacks would probably have neutered you by now. 3 cheers for physical conditioning, eh?
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