My 3x14 Thoughts (dosing heavily on the "supposed" triangle of this show!)

Feb 10, 2012 16:50

Building a castle  made out of cards results into something very creative and beautiful ... BUT....there comes a moment when even the slightest blow of breath or a small misjudged movement can cause the whole thing to fall crumbling down.. That's what this episode was for me.

I feel bad for all those author's who wrote several stories (as individual projects for them to cope AND as well as the V-Day A2A exchange) on the supposed scenarios (Damon, Elena, Stefan, and the fact of Damon being with someone else or sleeping with someone else other than Elena) of this episode and gave it their own twist. None of them would have imagined that Elena would treat Damon with such .. clarity... I think me along with several other people got their hearts broken with the sheer heartlessness and idiocy of Elena's actions.

Let me get my rants away first.... AND PLEASE DON'T PROCEED DOWNWARDS IF YOU DID LIKE ELENA/ DIDN'T HATE her actions in this episode. Because in my distress, I might have shred her to pieces.

Doesn't mean that I don't love her.

Starting from the first look Damon gives Elena when she enters the ball wearing that ugly dress (okay..I liked the bodice.... loved it even, but the skirt seriously sucked! Big time!) .... It was filled with so much, love and affection. Like she was the most stunning and impeccable Rose he had laid his eyes upon.

I am a huge D/E shipper, but if today's episode was any indication then Elena was USING Damon....Intentionally or unintentionally... but he was there as a wall to lean on or her rock. That's what hurt. She pushed him to be the better man..she pushed him to feel to maybe love and now she along with Stefan are SPITTING all those things he became (and hurt so much in the process in becoming that).
He's a liability??!!! Damon??!! ...she flat out said that his love for her IS THE PROBLEM??

What was interesting was that she mirrored what Stefan said to Damon about feelings.....

Then They mutually bond over the fact that they hurt Damon?

I might have yelled in my journal few days ago that  I'd be okay if Elena just makes a choice. Not jumping Salvatore's but making a choice and sticking to it. I thought I'd see the smart, strong, empowered and beautiful girl that I am used to...but instead I saw a beggar...where was it during talking to Stefan? I missed her.

I get it..she LOVES him.... and it's NEVER EVER easy to forget the person you love..... and IMHO I think this is best stated/described by a  favorite author of mine.... Morgan... in her D/E FanFiction "The Path To You"

""When you love someone as much as she loved him, it's easy to comprehend how simple it is to fall back into something; into someone. It's easy to push new feelings aside for the familiarity of what was there before and in that brief moment, she did.

For just one miniscule second, she let herself fall under Stefan's offer of an easier love; one that didn't teeter that precious balance of love and hate and certainly one that didn't stretch her capabilities. She could handle Stefan's love, she's never been uncertain of that. Damon's on the other hand, well she's never been sure anyone could handle that type of devotion, let alone reciprocate it. The notion was terrifying.""

I get that..... I also get that Damon's a friend of Elena...a very good friend ... a friendship that blossomed and the foundation of  understanding between them layered within the amount of time they have spent around each other, and they have gotten close, but now this friendship has gone complicated. At the middle of it all, she's still that girl who is not entirely sure that she's supposed to be in love with any vampires, much less two.

But it wasn't really necessary for her to treat him the way she did. Poke/Hurt it where it hurts the MOST..right? Hey that sounds similar... coz that's what Stefan does.... No wonder Stefan/Elena loved/loves each other.

And Damon..okay I agree that he's always pushing and being is wrong in some ways ....I am not REALLY okay with that either..... but IMPORTANTLY caveman or not his actions are mainly the ones helping keep Elena alive, like he said in The Last Dance:

“See that’s why I didn’t tell you. Cause you would’ve never been able to do it. Don’t get me wrong, Stefan. I don’t mind being the bad guy. I make all the life and death decisions while you’re busy dealing with collateral damage. But at the end of the day, I’ll be the one to keep her alive.”

I admit, he is rather harsh when in protection mode...much like a parent, BUT at least he is not okay signing her death sentence or agreeing to her NOT SO SMART decisions when it is the matter or life and death. Forgive him for loving and caring... then again isn't that what being a better man means? Isn't that Stefan, Elena and everyone pushed him to become?

More importantly wasn't it Stefan who...not only a few days ago said it out loud how BAD Elena's plans are??... metaphorically obvi.

And now he's the one telling her that Damon should understand that she can take care of herself?
WOW that's rich.. Totally.... OH Petty Stefan.. Where were you ALL this time?
You slash Damon and his feelings when no one's around and you oil Elena's butt when she and Damon are at odds, taking her side and defending ALL her actions even if those bordered on betrayal, insult and ungratefulness. THEN ... you dance and flirt with her the moment you spot Damon and Elena together, because you called "Dibs!"
Then you reach her home safely engage in small talk...pretend that the only thing Damon did while fighting Kol was.... fight Kol and cause a spectacle and be self destructive... But the fact of him saving Matt Donovan's life is trashed to the T !

You smile and walk away from Elena's door like a poor hurting romance-novel hero...and she...predictably calls you back and addresses the PINK ELEPHANT in the room. Then you are  tortured that you are not being able to her back.... and it's not your fault. She even face grabs you and coaxes you to feel and hurt and DO SOMETHING.... she even was definitely hoping for some lip action, no? But you deny and say everything you'll feel if you let yourself feel will be pain... successfully lodging yourself into the pattern that Elena loves....

Once Stefan said that the fact about Elena hoping and wishing and being optimistic about Stefan feeling something is pathetic.
 " Do you know.. how pathetic it makes you...." to which she replied "No Stefan, it makes me strong".... after today's episode I think I have to mirror Stefan's quote... it DOES make her pathetic. Kinda slightly similar to Bella Swan... and that's saying a lot... since on a scale of 1 to 100 ... I always put her (Elena) in 90-95 whereas Bella never left the tens.

Way to go throwing all the love and all the conviction straight on Damon's face and then showing how "SOWWY" she is for bad mouthing Damon to.................Stefan..?
And then coaxing Stefan to feel because SHE still feels... .. I don't know how I feel anymore..... Thought I'd be okay if Elena honestly chooses what she feels... ending Damon's conflict....

Plus Elena said when she and Stefan were together he let her make her decisions...and those things never ummm.... letting your girlfriend die and not even doing anything because you're letting him making her OWN decisions is the BEST thing that a boyfriend can do right.. even if the girl ends up dead, ditched, maimed, bled to death and what not? !

That was a huge insult to everything Damon did for her... way to go Elena.... screw the one's that genuinely care....
So is this how Elena rolls? Make your guy jealous, I mean is the brush off and treating like dirt, the way Elena likes it?  She ABSOLUTELY USED her and Damon's kiss  while confessing to Stefan. I thought she was just being honest and accepting of the fact that she also kissed him back. But I guess that wasn't the case. All she wanted is to poke Stefan into feeling.. Elena how you've changed. I can't say I am surprised, you're a Petrova after all.

She laments for betraying someone (be it Elijah, Damon or anyone) in front of someone who backs her up, sweetens up her doings as honorable deeds makes her feel good. Nice! I should try that...
And Damon was accused of TRYING to be the hero....*sigh* I live in an alternate world.

I loved the last scene to bits as well... absolutely loved it. I mean THANK GOD he didn't pine and cry and lament over lost love...and he's channeling his pain into DOING more important....CHORES. And I think it's Damn Cool and Good!! Coz Damon's no cry baby or pine-er .... I for one am glad with the last scene.... Damon isn't someone who should be used and trashed. He is more than that, and if Elena doesn't get it than too bad.

I think I loved this episode A LOT minus the Damon-Elena-Stefan love triangle drama...
Oh sorry.. where are my manners
there is no love triangle... the indication of it all is a total HORSE CRAP!

I loved the last scene.. NOW THAT'S DAMON!!! Welcome back.

Rebekah's  and Caroline's dress was so very pretty...

The Original Family SERIOUSLY needs a spin off.... I mean HOW AWESOME are they... especially the siblings!

Beginning from the first..... Rebekah the little-st sis tries to challenge the older brother of them all....
Elijah was looking EXTRA crispy and I loved how he and Elena sorta fell into the same trusting pattern. She even said she trusts him..... EVEN AFTER.. what happened during the sacrifice. Okay his actions there had reasons, but it was betrayal nonetheless.
No matter how many debates are done and verbal fights are the end of the day .... it was a betrayal.

But then in Mystic Falls ALL IS FORGIVEN ... no matter hoe grave, how despicable and how dangerous/shady stuff you have done.... UNLESS your name is Damon Salvatore and you look like this:

Anywho..... I am a Huge Elijah Fan.... Anyone who knows me and my ships and love for this show, knows that.... So generally I loved the Elijah/Elena interactions. It's very warm and compassionate. I don't know if Elijah LOVES her or not.... But he sure is inclined towards her and she..... TRUSTS him. She cares for him.

But then she looks him in the eye...and signed his death sentence. I think I am pleased Elena has changed so much so as to even think of attempting a feat. like this, much less actually do it..... Because the "old" Elena used to cringe even when her attacker was being staked. I loved this strength... Wish it was used for more productive and personality constructive purposes.

Kol seemed a little psychotic but undeniably very very interesting. Full inflated ego, vanity, bad-assery, rebellion, and a connection with Damon. Do I smell an acquaintance or a past experience? Kol was supposedly daggered in 1911-12, and Damon was a vampire at that time... is it something like that it was in between Klaus and Stefan, I mean not the friendship, but the knowing each other and then Kol might have compelled Damon... ? Or Damon might have seen him engaging in something long time back, the memory of which got a little dusty with time? I am definitely intrigued!

BTW..them facing off.... was soo super. I mean the guys were ACTUALLY snarling like ..wolves or lions!!

And Damon was attitude towards everyone after neck-breaking Kol was him essentially stating...... F****K you ALL!

Caroline... She was looking so pretty...and although she was totally taken by the advances of Klaus, I am glad she managed to tell him off as well. Here's wishing that she doesn't start falling for him and forgives him for ALL that he did or is doing or will do, by virtue of the fact that he had childhood trauma.
I also understand why she was okay with Elena going with Stefan even after what he did, rather than with Damon... and why she would be hurt knowing Elena kissed Damon. youcallitwinter said it best, so I am just gonna quote her:

"You wouldn’t want your best friend/surrogate daughter to fall for someone who has hurt her, and people she loves, in the past, no matter how good he is now. But they all understand that ultimately it’s Elena’s decision to make. This also doesn’t mean that all of them personally have issues with Damon; they may love him and trust him and still not think that he’s good enough for Elena. That’s pretty realistic. To be honest, I wouldn’t want my best friend dating a guy who had hurt her, even if he’s ‘reformed’ or something".

For Caroline, Damon is always, on some level gonna be that guy that used, abused, manipulated and trashed her like an object. And although he is faaaaaar from that guy as of now, the feelings and the bitterness and the hurt lingers in some level..always. Similarly, for her , Stefan was the guy who helped her cope with vampirism all the time, saved her, took care of her, was there for her whenever she needed him. So.... even with everything happened and dynamic shifting, the tie, the friendship and the base/core feelings and emotions remains. Hence the Damon hate and Stefan love. Yeah, it was a bit iffy to me...but I understood.

Rebekah and Damon.... I loved it... HOW HOT was that..... Damon and her ARE ... Ripper's... in their very own way ;)

I think these 2 has got lots of similarities, Firstly both are AWESOME! Super Hot!... wants to be loved and wants genuine affection/attention, but gets run down over and over. Both hides their sadness and misery under the cloak of indifference and bitchy-ness, both feels but is afraid to show because their feelings are misconstrued as their weakness. So I guess I was much more than glad for them being ALL-ROUGH!! I hope it continues.. Pweez..

Man how weird is that... a few episodes back, I was the girl who was pining and moping and crying over the fact of Damon ending up in naked with someone, and now I am celebrating this very thing..... :D

Finn and Esther... last but not the least.... Esther is definitely the righteous EVIL parent. I mean to serve the greater good she is ready to annihilate her ENTIRE brood!! That is creepy!!!! I not only think she's the villain but she's also dangerous as hell and un-trustworthy... But she's NOT the big bad... I say this because she has moments of softness. She is undoing what she thinks she did wrong, she has a purpose, that is not self-serving. She's a mother whose heart still cries for her children BUT  she has duties too, and she has the decency to answer and oblige the call of those duties even if it means killing her own heart in the process... Finn is specifically Mama's boy and he looks edgy and all messenger-y... Plus he's been dead for 900 years, and thus it is not really that big a deal for him to die again. And given by the looks of it, he's a mama's pet even after 900 years of imprisonment... wonder what kinda son he was when they were all fina and dandy! I think that's the reason he is ready to succumb to Esther's wish because he's the dutiful son....

*Btw when Esther was scenting the room with SAGE..anyone remebered the character Sage who is yet to come and who is/was supposed to be Damon's love buddy? or am I the only one?*

The villains of this show follow a pattern of being self-serving psycopaths with no redeeming qualitites, who later softens up around the edges when met with love or matter what kind.

With that thought in mind, I still stick to my idea of Kol being the Baddest-Of-Them-All. I mean think of it.... the guy has hidden history, he is psychotic, kills because he can, and looks good doing it and even when he is NOT. Plus interesting accent and a habit of "staring at himself".... Need anymore reasons to like him?

Matt was well....Matt...!
and I actually like him. He is the only one who keeps continuing his life and the whole normality of it, even when he's constantly in the middle of all the supernatural and suffers the consequences. He is someone we can relate to. He is honestly the HUMAN of this show.

The entire setting, dresses (except for Elena's one..which I HATED... and I am not even sorry accepting it!), jewellery, dance, tuxedos, ELIJAH!!!, and everything was really beautiful. I was really girl-ing all the way while watching ALL that glam.

Anywho... till now this was what this episode made me feel. It wasn't exactly just whelming. Apart from the  main triangle drama, I actually liked it a lot.

tvd spoilers., rebekah michealsen, damon salvatore, s03, stefan salvatore, kol michealsen, elijah michealsen, tvd, elena gilbert, ep 14

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