you're right ben, he did do a lot for this country, I mean he destroyed the economy he ignored all the warning signs of 911 he sent us on a bullshit war that has let 1000 brave american troops die, he's going to destroy a wildlife preserve to give us the potential of more oil, he'll let his religious views decide how he governs, yeah, great fucking president. It's people like Bush that make the people who did 911 hate us so fucking much, arrogant pompous motherfuckers whot ake money from stuff like education (who needs that though?) and other programs all in the name of the war on terrorism. Ugh. This sucks.
that it does, bush is not the great persident you make him out to be ben, look at the facts.... he screwed up ALOT, and dont site a lack of education on my part im a fucking political science major, i spend every day looking a the facts and they're not good
but enough of politics, lets talk of somthing else...
the war on terrorism is far from bullshitmrlazzzy_420November 3 2004, 12:53:14 UTC
because of Bush we can goto sleep at night not thinking about getting blown up while we are sleeping. And the religous thing..i have the opposite religion as him, and agree in his presidency.
ANother thing. Obviously more people like Bush, hence he won botht he popular vote and electoral vote. If he was as bad a syou all say, and was ruining our country, then over half the millions of people would not vote for the guy. Thats not logical. to have the support of the worlds most powerful country takes some doing, and he has done it. Kerry tried and failed. So accept that you guys got lucky because you voted for a fraudulant man who can not even look at the mirror without trying to lie about who he is.
Re: the war on terrorism is far from bullshitjoebob5276November 3 2004, 13:03:41 UTC
it's pompous assholes like Bush that they attacked us in the first place, I wouldn't be afraid to sleep if Kerry were president, and if there were WMDs, where the fuck are they, we've been there for like 18 months? How come we haven't found them, how come when we were kicking their ass they didn't use them. Oh, because they didn't fucking have them. And he is ruining the country, it's just that people like you care more about the war then about education or the economy, as long as you're doing fine you don't give a fuck about the people who will lose their health insurance uner bush's laedership, the people who have lost their jobs and the 66 percent of college graduates who couldn't find anything other then entry level posiitions because of the way bush raped our economy and turned our surplus into the largest deficit. I feel more scared about an attack because now more people are going to fall in with the fundamentalist muslims because bush doesn give a fuck about other beliefs. And don't you dare fucking call me a dumbass Ben,
( ... )
ok i just realized something else, terrorists don't give a fuck if we bomb they're country, they believe if they die in the name of Allah they go to heaven, all we've done is make people who are already mad at us even more pissed off and more likely to attack us to prove their point.
I'm definately gonna have to agree... They aren't afraid of us... if they were, they would have run away a long time ago and we wouldn't need to the anywhere near them right now. Like he said, they believe it's better if they die for their cause and it just makes us look worse by being the ones who are recklessly killing them
so, they can attack us and we're just going to sit back and take it.....?
i guess we'll have to 'cause they don't care if they die.. so yeah, we'll just let them off. it was just new york city anyway, right?
ps that was allllll sarcasm.. in case you didn't catch on. and sorry i sound like SUCH a bitch, but come on... what if bush had just said, oh well, next order of business..?
the country would probably be just as unhappy with him for not doing anything. and we probably would have been attacked again. and again.
Ok it was one thing to attack Afghanistan and send troops to find Osama. But making up weapons and ties to terrorists with Suddam to invade was bullshit. We can't live in fear because they are just as likely to attack with Bush. The idea here would be, stop pissing them off, stop occupying their holy land in saudi arabia, stop telling them what to believe and stop being stupid dickheads.
stop the fighting, there will be a time and place for this. Int he future we are going to have serious problems both form bush and fomr other actions of man kind. So what we need to do is start working on them now. Set aside our differences and look at whats out there to fix...
no more of this election stuff, its over we can live with it, wait watch and learn folks cause sooner than you think it'll be our generations turn to run this country and make sure the world last to or kids generations and that of theirs. So in the end we need ot stop fighting and work together.
Some like bush others dont but thats no reason to start a second civil war, or split the nation. Stuff like this happens and will continue to happen throughout or lives. We must live with it and get over our differences
Re: silly kyleandawaywegoNovember 3 2004, 14:05:00 UTC
maybe, but its alot closer and seporated on bigger things this time around. A time of civil unrest happens every once and awhile, im not saying it will happen this time, but the fact that it could is alittle bit on the interesting side...
Comments 19
but enough of politics, lets talk of somthing else...
ANother thing. Obviously more people like Bush, hence he won botht he popular vote and electoral vote. If he was as bad a syou all say, and was ruining our country, then over half the millions of people would not vote for the guy. Thats not logical. to have the support of the worlds most powerful country takes some doing, and he has done it. Kerry tried and failed. So accept that you guys got lucky because you voted for a fraudulant man who can not even look at the mirror without trying to lie about who he is.
i guess we'll have to 'cause they don't care if they die.. so yeah, we'll just let them off. it was just new york city anyway, right?
ps that was allllll sarcasm.. in case you didn't catch on. and sorry i sound like SUCH a bitch, but come on... what if bush had just said, oh well, next order of business..?
the country would probably be just as unhappy with him for not doing anything. and we probably would have been attacked again. and again.
no more of this election stuff, its over we can live with it, wait watch and learn folks cause sooner than you think it'll be our generations turn to run this country and make sure the world last to or kids generations and that of theirs. So in the end we need ot stop fighting and work together.
Some like bush others dont but thats no reason to start a second civil war, or split the nation. Stuff like this happens and will continue to happen throughout or lives. We must live with it and get over our differences
the nation won't split. there will be no civil war.... people will fight it out for a couple days then let it all go. :)
but ive had enough of politics for this week...
hows life over in seattle going?
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