Alright, since
helenangel went to all the bother of nudging me I guess I'll update... but I won't like it! *G*
I know it's been a while (14 weeks according to the LJ timekeeper monkeys) but nothing uber-cool to report (I haven't gotten married, moved to Japan, or grown a third testicle). I've been busy tinkering, learning, and hanging out mostly. Also, a quick trip to Florida, some cool geocaches, some decorating, and much self pleasuring. Nothing worth mentioning in detail... ;)
For anyone who is interested in the mundane projects I'm currently juggling, here's the low-down -
Cleaning The House - Normally a chore, this has been raised to 'project' level as a result of the massive amount of junk involved and reorganization required.
Redecorating the Computer Room - I guess 'redecorating' implies that the computer room was once decorated. Unless 'junked out' is a style, I'd have to say that the term is misleading. Now that it is on its way to clean, I've started decorating the room in a fun 'Geek chic' style. Lots of action figures (Buffy, FLCL, Firefly, and Farscape) hanging on the wall, Geo the Geocaching Turtle (A la Build-A-Bear), my geocaching signature rubber duckies, pirate flags, and other dork-fest items adorn the walls, with more on the way (see below. Also, suggestions welcomed).
Restoring my Transformers - I dug up my old transformers from my parent's attic (what is left of them) and am working on fixing them up at least to the point of being displayable in the computer room.
Setting up an Asterisks phone system - For my contracting work (and to help snag something more long term). I've got the box installed and Fedora set up but have been screwing around with toys, so I'm a bit behind.
OMG Art - Something popped in my brain and I got all creative. Working on a 3' x 3' acrylic painting thingy for my living room. Technically it is 8 1' x 1' textured metallic paintings of various colors framing a recessed 'brass' (wood painted to look brass) butterfly w/ carved patterns & clockwork gears. Something that may need to be seen to be understood. Long way to go on this (1 square done, 7 more frames built but need canvasing).
Vacuform machine - Been wanting one of these forever. I haven't technically started this one, but now that the 'Hobby room' is nearly clean (was the storage room for about 6 months) I'm certain I'll be building it soon ( < 4 months, anyway)
A/C Dog house - Building an air conditioning stand/box thingy to add to the dog house. The puppies don't do well in the heat but I've recently redecorated my room and my bathroom, so they won't be allowed to hang out in there during the super hot summer months. As a result, their house will now been air conditioned via a window unit.
Reading Richard Dawkins newest book - Reading are fun.
Setting up my first geocache - A 5/5 in Shelby Farms - will be done this week (just to prove I do, occasionally, finish my projects!)
Encrypted drive enclosure hack - Taking a hardware encryption (128-bit) USB drive enclosure and will be hacking it to accept a password via LCD interface. Been looking to find a good PIC project ever since I got my PIC programmer. Also, have been meaning to extend my experience with encryption tech ever since I read 'The Code Book' - so this works well with both. Might use the final drive as a backup disk. Most likely, I'll just fill it with porn (like all my unencrypted drives!)
Building - Not far along on this one. It'll be an online project database for all of my projects, hacks, etc. Not just for the public, but to help me keep all this crap straight, too. The Asterisks machine will be doubling as my perl script test bed (this will be my first perl script, so it'll need LOTS of testing).
I'm also toying with the idea of learning Japanese or Russian (or trying to). I've got some software for each, but haven't committed to doing either yet (not sure how good I'll be with alternate languages, to be honest) so that doesn't qualify as a project, just an mild consideration... a hankering, if you will.
Also, in the 'Odd, Disturbing, Cool, Twisted, I want it' category -
this ....see everyone again in 14 weeks! ;)