(no subject)

Sep 24, 2006 20:55

[ Private to Self ]
Keeper of the Year. Gods. I... Wish Ing could have been there.

The Ministry had sent one of the Daily Prophet correspondents along. She came and asked me for an interview -- So I guess that mean's they're going to send June an apology after all. Shite. I haven't even said a thing to her since she... told me. I don't even know what the hell say. But, well, I think this interview will help clear things up. Mrs. Dagmeel showed me a contract and signed it before I agreed for the interview, promising that they wouldn't change any of my words. I almost didn't sign it, thinking it might be better in case I make myself sound like a fool, but, I'd rather sound like an honest fool than a twisted genius, right?

The one thing I didn't appreciate is how they kept on bringing up Ingrid and Wini. It was supposed to be about the Registry. She kept talking about needing backstory, but I don't know why. She told me it's just going to be a few little quotes from me about the Ministry. Maybe she's just one of those stupid fans. Gods, I can't wait to move to Hogsmeade. Get away from them.

Hogsmeade. Hermione. Shite. Another person I need to... need to get in touch with? I don't even know what to do. I can't believe I fecking pulled that stunt and kissed her. I don't even know how it happened. She started getting teary and -- fecking shite.

Damnit. Everyone told me I'd get over Ing but -- I'm not over her, am I? Gods. When that Mrs. Dagmeel started talking about Ingrid I felt myself going to fecking peices. Gods. I just...

Gotta pull everything back together. Two more weeks of Quidditch. Have to win. I've got to.

1000 Galleons for that award. I started an account for Winifred today at Gringotts. It'll be a surprise when she comes of age. I wonder how much it can grow in 15 years?

[ / Private ]

The Bats never really had a chance, after all.

So now it's the Wasps. We're already about 200 above them. If you've got their colors on you might want to quickly change them for PU. If you're one of those damned bandwagon (what's a bandwagon, by the way? Philbert said something about that the other day) jumpers, you might want to get some gold and blue right away.


[ Private to Seamus ]
Too bad about the Kestrels, mate. But, if you'd like some tickets for this week's matches, you've got 'em. I don't know if the Healers are going to let you out, but just let me know. You can trade your green for blue this week, and I won't let anyone know you're a Kestrels fan.


[ / Private to Seamus ]

[ Private to Professor Lupin ]
Professor Lupin,

Sorry I never wrote you back. I got a bit distracted. It looks like I won't be able to focus on the team as much as I'd like this week. Do you know if the students have these things, or are they contraband articles? Anyways, I'm going to make sure to be there on Wednesday, if no other days then that. I was wondering if you could secure the pitch for us.

Is Connors doing al
Mind if I ask
Is Connors doing alright? I'd ask her myself, but I don't trust her to give me a true answer without a fight.
I wrote to the ministry to

Thanks again, and I'm sorry for not being there for Gryffindor as much as I'd like. Just two more weeks and the Pro Season will be over.

Coach Wood
[ / Private to Professor Lupin ]

[ Private to June Connors ]
Connors -

I guess we did alright, even with you rooting for us. So I won't have to ask for the jersey back.

You doing alright? -------- Have you gotten a letter or a

Give Snape hell for me. I've got -- Merlin willing -- another two weeks of the season to go before I can be there to do it myself.

[ / Private to June Connors ]

[ Private to Katie Bell ]

Keepin' yourself busy? Are you going to be at the Harpies box this week? I'm sure you'd like to watch the Wasps crushed as much as me, even if it does mean that I get ahead.

Don't worry, next year we'll have more chances to play against each other.

And, even better news -- Did you hear I'm coaching Gryffindor? We're going to have the cup out of Snape's office for the next few decades - until I pass on to the great Pitch in the sky, if you know what I'm saying.

[ / Private to Katie ]
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