As I said before, I was pushing myself to keep up at times. It was a good workout for me, in the end. Also, I'm not completely out of shape as I bike uphill probably about a mile each day. (Turns out my "about a mile" is "about 4,000 ft.... Google Maps has a distance measurement thingy.)
I also find that the toe cages help with peddlin' since I can both push and pull with each rotation... when I'm not busy jamming my chain into places it was not meant to be.
Also, you are probably the healthiest and most in-shape person I know.
I think biking is great because you can become a CARDIOVASCULAR FURNACE and take tremendous pleasure in slowly ramping up your rate to always put your body in a good caloric burn mode.
That first time can be brutal man - but NEVAR SURRENDAR. And it will make you healthy. I've just gotten back into a weekly thing with a couple of my coworkers, where we go up the "Grouse Grind" as fast as we can. Picture a wooded mountain trail, 1.8 miles long. That goes up 2,800 feet. Which works out to be 2830 steps on the parts that have stairs/ledges... My all time best is 58 minutes 40 seconds, last year - last week I started again, and despite my fears that I'd slipped, I managed 59 minutes 7 seconds.
You feel like death, but almost immediately afterwards it is FUCK YEAH.
Biking to work and pushing it hard are two different things; the bike commute isn't going to be one where you are XTR33M and slamming a 'Dew as you launch off the ramp in the construction zone to shave off precious minutes as you sail over the crowded street.
Yesterday I destroyed my best time on the Grind: 53 Minutes, 42 Seconds.
Comments 8
I also find that the toe cages help with peddlin' since I can both push and pull with each rotation... when I'm not busy jamming my chain into places it was not meant to be.
Also, you are probably the healthiest and most in-shape person I know.
You feel like death, but almost immediately afterwards it is FUCK YEAH.
Yesterday I destroyed my best time on the Grind: 53 Minutes, 42 Seconds.
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