1. Made out for more than 3 minutes?:
I dont think so... I think I would get bored by then... or my mouth starting to hurt.
2. Slept in a different bed?:
hehe. I mean, yes.
3. Made out in a movie theater?
yeah, in front of her parents! it was exciting.
4. Made out in the forest?
actually, sort of.
5. Thought your cousin was hot?:
uhm I dont think so. they are all rather ho-ish really. sad.
6. Slept naked?:
a few times.
7. Taken a shower with the opposite sex?:
I'm sure I have before, but nothing with a girlfriend
8. Gone over the speed limit?:
no, I dont speed. Ever.
9. Danced in front of your mirror?:
No, every time I look in a mirror I see my skin color, and then I'm reminded of my dancing skills
10. Gotten a hickey?:
11. Been dumped?:
12. Stolen money from a friend?:
13. Gotten in a car with people you just met?:
well my friend was driving
14. Been in a fist fight?:
nope! Im one of those pacifist-types
15. Snuck out of your house?
hahah of cooouurrssee! nowadays its not sneaking out, its just... leaving.
16. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
of course! all the time, yo.
17. Been arrested?:
not yet :O
18. Left your house with out telling your parents?:
I think thats a pretty common occurrence?
19. Had a crush on your neighbor?:
maybe when I was really little
20. Ditched school to do something more fun?:
hells yes. covington anyone? haha
21. Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?:
yeah... in a non-gay way too, imagine that.
22. Seen someone die?:
not yet
23. Been on a plane?:
I love planes
24. Kissed a picture?:
I dont think so.. I dont personally know anyone *that* beautiful.
25. Slept in until 3?:
3's for wussies. 7 PM is more like it. 15 hours baby
26. Love someone or miss someone right now?
I miss a few people.
27. Lay on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
I love doing that
28. Made a snow angel?:
kind of. I did with whatever snow Memphis offers
29. Cheated while playing a game?
when i was younger
30. Feel lonely?:
a lot
31. Fallen asleep at work/school?
at whitestation yeah. didnt sleep very often at kingsbury. Ive never slept during a class at UT.
32. Felt an earthquake?:
not that I can remember
33. Touched a snake?:
uhm yeah, nothing special about that is there?
34. Ran a red light?:
yeah.. summer and waring? f'n ridiculous light
35. Had detention?:
once, but it wasnt my fault :X really!
36. Been in a car accident?:
sigh... how many times now?
37. Hated the way you look?:
a few times
38. Witnessed a crime?
hahah yeah a couple times
39. Been lost?
who hasnt? I want GPS.
40. Been to the opposite side of the country?:
I wish :(
41. Felt like dying from embarrassment?:
not really
42. Cried yourself to sleep?:
not since yuni-era
43. Sang karaoke?
hahaha i dont think so
44. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
pretty much every day.
45. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose?
not that I know of
46. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?:
yeah! it was fun. especially when someone tries to catch the same one as you :)
47. Kissed in the rain?:
Ive always wanted to. never made anything passionate about it though
48. Sung in the shower?:
a couple times
49. Had a dream that you married someone?:
hah! yuni, courtney, georgina!? what the fuuuuuuxx!
50. Glued your hand to something sticky?
hah. insert sexual joke here. wait, sticky? so you used sticky glue to glue your hand to something else that happens to be sticky? what? this question doesnt make sense.
51. Got your tongue stuck to a pole?:
well there was this one time that I was REALLY horny and REALLY drunk, and there happened to be this pole there and I thought: "Man, it would be really nice if I made out with this... you know what, nevermind. No, I havent. wtf. it doesnt get that cold in memphis
52. Ever gone to school practically naked?
not yet but Im working on it :)
53. Been a cheerleader?:
54. Sat on a roof top?:
Clement roof is my second home
55. Didn't take a shower for a week?
haha I get pretty cranky if I dont take my daily shower.
56. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
pft, scary movies dont really scare me. I love watching them with people though :)
57. Ever played truth or dare?:
d00d, I love that game.
58. Played spin the bottle:
actually, I dont think I have :( sad isnt it?
59. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?
hahahah buddypic much?
60. Been easily amused?:
yeah... sadly.
61. Laugh so hard you cry?
no, not really.
62. Cheated on a test?
not that I remember
63. Forgotten someone's name?:
all the time, jeez, I suck at it.
64. Blacked out from drinking?:
nope :)
65. Played a prank on someone?:
yeah, a couple times. im working on my ideas though.
66. Gone to a late night movie?:
of course. love it.
67. Made love to anything not human?
lawl wtf. I'd be afraid to meet someone who has.
68. Failed a class?:
for the year? no. ...semester? well.. yeah.
69. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?:
haha not that I can remember. im sure I have though.
70. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours straight?:
oh wow, no. maybe 10 hours in a day, but.. not.. straight
71. Slept with someone you didn't want to?
well... its hard to say.
72. Did you celebrate the 4th of July?
not the past year :(
73. Thrown strange objects?
define "strange"
74. Felt like killing someone?
no, not really.
75. Ran away?:
from what, exactly? Ive run away from things before
76. Thought about running away?:
a couple times
77. Had detention and not attend it?:
78. Made your parents cry?
yeah :/
79. Cried over someone?:
hah. hah. yes.
80. Owned more than 5 sharpies?
nope, dont use them that much
81. Dated someone more than once?:
82. Have a dog?
at dads house
83. Own an instrument?:
keyboard! used to be clarinet. Im looking into buying a piano too. One day...
84. Been in a band?
nah, not interested.
85. Drank more than 25 sodas a day?:
no, not even close. maybe 3 in one day and thats the most.
86. Broken a cd?:
yes, in the microwave! its awesome! haha
87. Shot a gun?:
of course!
88. Been on MySpace for more than 5 hours?
not even close
89. Hurt yourself on purpose?:
I punched a wall once that really hurt.
90. Have a crush on someone right now?:
yeah, I guess. my crushes are impossible to crush, but they dont mean too much.
91. Had a crush on someone when you already had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
yeah, a couple times. dude, its annoying.