I escaped from the Dungeon of Mrpoush!
I killed Mamarama the leprechaun, Zombyshakespear the leprechaun, Poolsofdarkness the troll, Sidestepright the owlbear, Herowlness the orc, Sarcasmoscorner the floating eye, Suelou the cockatrice, Pequenita the gelatinous cube, Foxyfuneralgirl the owlbear, Lourocco the leprechaun, Wannacmyuni the fire elemental and Mamaspell the giant spider.
I looted the Dagger of the X-files, the Shield of Kiwijt, the Dagger of Octoberust, the Axe of Snl, a Figurine of Frizzity, the Wand of Arwynestaria, a Figurine of All My Mind, the Axe of Meenfrmr, the Wand of Just Human, the Armour of Fatgrrrl K, the Shield of Hugefatty, the Wand of Weberx and 196 gold pieces.
Score: 296
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