I am not feeling well I feel like staying home tomorrow, not to mention the idiotic book i started and finished today. Ethan Frome Gosh I hated that book. If I ever devide to do a book burning that book will be included, along with Farenheight 451 just for the irony.
I am off to bed but not before...
1. name:Joe
2. age:15
3. what religion are you really?: Agnostic
4. which one were you born into?:Roman Cathlioc
5. republic or corporate playground?:pfft
6. what's your favorite genre of music?:Metal
7. favourite punk band?:The Ataris
8. hardcore band?:Marilyn Manson
9. ska band?:pfft
10. pop punk band?:pfft
11. emo band?:dunno
12. screamo band?: meh
13. '77 band?:I hate the 70's
14. local band?: none really
15. retired band?:CHICAGO (are they retired)
16. old punk or new punk?:they are both good
17. britney spears or bob villa?:BOB VILLA
18. camaros or mustangs?:Camero
19. is punk dead?:pretty much
20. is the scene dead?:not dead just boring
21. turkey or to-furkey?:to-furkey... what the fuck?
22. how many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?:1....2....3...*crunch* 3
23. jurassic park 1, 2, or 3?:1
24. favorite cheese?:the kind you eat
25. what's the worst injury you've ever had?:slit wrists
26. what's the worst injury you've given someone else?:broken nose
27. violence- cool or stupid?:cool in some cases stupid in others (televised violence)
28. therapy or shooting people?:SHOOT THE FUCKERS