[fic] what a tangled web we weave; yunho/jaejoong, changmin/junsu

Jun 16, 2009 18:45

what a tangled web we weave
yunho/jaejoong, changmin/junsu, R
secret agent!au, action, drama, suspense, romance
summary: Jaejoong is like a shadow, and Yunho is a force to be reckoned with. Changmin takes a grave risk, while Junsu keeps up an iron fortress. And Yoochun... Yoochun is an enigma.

an: a series of ficlets written to a few songs from "The Secret Code" on shuffle. so please take note that the ficlets are not necessarily written in the order of which they are posted! keep that in mind when reading. it will get confusing.

Nobody Knows
(with this, we will be able to embrace the scent of crime and meet)

Changmin never keeps the safety lock of his gun on.

He sprints down dark allies and rounds corners, ducking behind trash cans every now and then just out of instinct. Changmin is the type of person who doesn’t take risks. Everything he does is done by the book. Never one to go against he grain if the grain is what kept him alive so far. He’s not afraid, and he’ll put a bullet in anyone's head if they dare say otherwise.

He's just smart enough not to take unnecessary risks.

Or so he used to be. Because right now he’s risking it all by having this man at his side, matching his long strides with practiced ease. Another corner rounded and they both duck into another damp, narrow alleyway. Changmin chances a glance at the man beside him, his gun cocked, eyes widened and ready to take on anyone. They pant quietly as they hear foot steps run long past, and it takes a while for them to breathe easily.

“I think they’re gone.” Changmin breaths out quietly, only now feeling secure enough to lower his gun.

“They’re never gone, Changmin-ah. They always come back. They‘ll always be looking for us.”

Changmin watches the bead of sweat roll down the other mans jaw line and drip to the wet cement beneath their feet. With a sigh, he pockets his gun and presses the other man flush against the cold brick wall. This was the man he was supposed to long eliminate. This was the man it was his duty to kill. But here he is, trapping him between his body and a hard brick wall and he’s smiling.

They share small kisses between the dirty walls of dungy, dark alleyways in the dead of night with the sound of gunfire still ringing in their ears.

But some things, Changmin thinks, are worth the risk.

Secret Game
(we want your mind; the secret treasure is asleep in Babylon)

Jaejoong is like a shadow.

He’s the flash of movement you think you see out the corner of your eye, but the second you turn, it’s gone without a trace. That’s what he does. It’s the name of the game: Get in. Get out. Don’t get caught. That’s the mantra going through his head like a song on repeat as he slips past the front gates.


The security camera’s catch nothing but a shadow-- an animal? Did the camera malfunction? It didn't matter, the guards were already incapacitated at this point to see the monitors anyway. Jaejoong easily makes his way inside the building. Graceful movements and quick steps is what he’s made of. He’s alert and aware of everything around him in the nearly pitch black room, but he picks the lock and pulls out the folder like it’s second nature.


It’s the same as getting in, only backwards; Jaejoong likes to think. He’s already retracing the steps in his head, inch by inch, movement by movement. It’s already perfectly played out in his head right up to the last detail before he even turns to leave. But one obstacle was not put in to his equation. And as he turns to leave, a hand is firm around his throat.

Don’t. Get. Caught.

(i wait on this chair; don't open your eyes until I count to seven)

Yoochun is an enigma.

As far as others were concerned, he was practically nonexistent. People know of him, but no one really knows him.

He’s dressed from head to toe in dark Armani as he saunters down the street with a casual ease. The music from the club just a head gets louder as he approaches. He slips to the back entrance. He knocks once, twice, five more times in a known rhythm until the door slides open with a clear "whoosh."

“Welcome back, sir.” says a man dressed in black as he side steps to let the man pass. Yoochun nods slightly in acknowledgement before he makes his way though the club and up to his private lounge over looking the dance floor. A bottle of wine is already placed on his desk along with a plate of cheeses, just as he requested.

Before he does anything, he takes a moment to survey his surroundings. When he deems that everything is secure, he strolls to the large window overlooking his club and looks at his watch. Slipping his phone from his pocket, he dials a number.

“Hello?” a voice says on the other end.

Yoochun waits for exactly seven seconds. “Blue, to the left of the red.” he says, and hangs up without another word.

He smiles, his job for the night is done.

(i know you're a destroyer without a gun)
 Yunho’s all brut force and no nonsense.

He believes in getting things done the fast and direct way. He has no time for the well thought out plans, or easy way outs. He grew up having to fight for what he wanted his entire life. He lives by his fists and his will alone. Talking gets in the way of action, is what Yunho thinks and he’s made it thus far, so far.

In his line of work, there’s no need for emotion. Those types of things just get in the way, and most likely get you killed. That’s what’s running through his head as he feels his grip waver slightly against the flesh of a warm neck. He’s supposed to kill anyone who got in the way of his work, but-- those eyes. They stare into his own as if challenging him, as if he needed to be challenged, as if he hadn’t done this a hundred times before. So why was he hesitating now?

His grip around the other man's neck tightens, only to see if he can get that look of challenge out of those eyes. Was he really testing him? He grips a little tighter and the man's gaze barely falters. Yunho grits his teeth. Seven seconds. Seven seconds. That's how long someone is supposed to live if they ever managed to catch a glimpse of his face.

It's been way longer than seven seconds.

His hands drop from the man's neck and back down to his sides. Those eye’s are still staring into his own, the challenge now gone and replaced with a victorious glint. The corner of his lips begin to quirk and Yunho has a strong urge to lick the smirk off his face--

and he does.

(my feelings won't come true unless I destroy your future)

Junsu is someone who doesn’t trust easily. It’s in his nature.

He grew up hidden behind locked doors and large men. Nothing could touch him, no one could touch him because no one could be trusted. His father had enemies, and lots of them. Junsu couldn’t even walk down the street without having at least three body guards around him at all times. He was taught not to trust anyone outside of his own little circle, and he never did.

Junsu grew tough and smart, earning the right to move as he pleased. But he always knew to keep his guard up, let no one in. Everyone was out to get him. Keeping that thought in mind constantly kept him alert, and aware of everything around him. Nothing could get to him if he kept up his own little steel fortress.

But someone broke through.

The first time they met was with a gun to his face. The kid was tall with big brown eyes, and Junsu would have never suspected a kid like this to be in this dangerous line of work. But he stood strong, aware, professional, and unaffected. He looked as if he’s killed a dozen times before and had absolutely no qualms about doing it again.

“What’s your name?” Junsu asks. And he notices the flash of surprise on the otherwise stoic features.

“Why does it matter?” he retorts coldly.

Junsu shrugs and leans against his desk. “You’re going to kill me anyway, right? What harm could it do?”

There’s a long silence as Junsu watches on. There’s nothing left for him to do at this point. The boy was clearly a professional who got the job done. Junsu couldn’t make a move. He was sure this was his end until he saw the gun lower just slightly. Junsu looked up into the young man’s eyes.

“It’s Changmin,” he says.

Stand Up!
(so hot, because I know what you want)
They think it must be the danger in it all.

It's in the fact that they both know they shouldn't be doing this. That either one of them could be killed in an instant, and that's what gets them off. Electricity courses through their veins like power cords beneath their skin-- and they can feel it. They can feel everything; the rush, the sensation, the excitement. It's exhilarating.

The hands that were once locked around his throat are now running down the length of his body. He's pushed against the desk and he can feel the edges of the folder digging into his skin beneath his shirt. The man flashes a cocky smile when he feels it, lifting the hem of Jaejoong's shirt and pulling the folder out.

"I suppose you're after this as well, right?" the man asks, waving the folder slightly in front of the other man's face.

"You gonna kill me for it?" Jaejoong smirks.

The folder is tossed carelessly to the other side of the room. Jaejoong eyes it desperately for a moment before he's pressed flat against the surface of the desk, the other man's body hovering over his own.

"Just getting it out the way," Yunho says, his fingers running over soft skin and hard muscles. "For now."

Jaejoong yanks the other man up by the hair until their lips are a hairline apart, breaths mingling between warm lips. "We'll see about that." Jaejoong whispers before his tongue slips past warm, waiting lips.

Talk about sleeping with the enemy.

(like the entangled spider webs…)

"Blue, to the left of the Red."

Go, proceed with caution.
Yunho switches off his phone and slips it back into his pocket. The building isn't too large and he easily forces his way through the main gates and fights past the monitor watching guards. To the left of the red, Yunho thinks. So he's not going to be the only one there tonight. He smirks, stepping into the already open door. A figure dressed in black, slipping a folder beneath his shirt.

Contents of Folder:

Kim Junsu
Age: 23


a/n: i suppose i could have named this "the secret code" but that just felt tacky to me. lol and i'm sure all of you are throughly confused, because i can rarely convey what i need to in fics. but basically all you need to understand is that everyone in this piece is connected, and it's because of yoochun. he's the mastermind behind it all. "secret game" and "force" leads to "stand up!" while "taxi" is basically the beginning of "nobody knows." "9095" and "9096" are basically showing how they are all connected by yoochun. O_O i confused myself more.

comments? questions :D?

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what? no comment? -sad face-

pairing:changmin/junsu, length:one-shot, pairing:yunho/jaejoong

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