Fic #2

Nov 07, 2010 21:44

Title: Finding Direction
Fandom: POTC/AU
Pairing: Gen
Character: Jocelyn Taylor (OFC), Theodore Groves
Prompt: 05 Move Forward
Word Count: 564
Prompt List: Link
A/N: I'm not going to lie, this is rough and was more brainstorming/writing than thought out writing. Also it is barely edited and even I can admit that I am very rusty in writing even my own created character. Obviously, this may not fit into my own AUs that  I have written in the past. Read at your own discretion. :)

It wasn’t until Jocelyn found herself surrounded by the bustle of the docks that the enormity of her situation truly hit her. Friendless and alone in a strange land and the course ahead of her demanded careful placement of each foot towards the future. Captain Norrington did not after all have any idea that she was arriving and it was only the judgment of his character, formed years ago as a young child, that gave her hope for not being tossed out into the street.

She silently reprimanded herself for allowing the fear to creep into her thoughts. Now was not the time to question what she was doing or what the future could bring. There would be enough time for that if events went against her favor. Finding her courage once more, Jocelyn took a deep breath, gathered the little she possessed about her, and moved forward to whatever awaited her there.

Jocelyn didn’t notice the Officer in her path until she nearly collided with him. Never matter, she would take what good fortune she had and run with it.

“I am looking for Captain Norrington,” she said, smiling in what she hoped was a friendly manner, “Is he near?”

The officer grinned. “I believe you’re looking for Commodore Norrington, Miss. You’ve not been in Port Royal long then I gather?”

She looked down at her feet for a brief moment. He was teasing her and she wasn't about to let him get the best of her, nerves be damned. “I’ve only late arrived from England, as I suspect you know, and have urgent business with the Commodore."

“No introductions then?” the officer parried back, “I would be doing a roughshod job of serving underneath the Commodore if I sent you along your merry way, miss!”

“And I am not in the habit of giving my name to men with whom I am not related sir!” She grinned and briefly forgot her nerves in light of the unexpected encounter. “If you remain so unforthcoming about where he may be, I shall find other means of finding him!”

Her acquaintance bowed in lavish mockery. “Forgive my lamentable lapse in manners,” he returned smoothly, “and allow me to inform you that the Commodore has repaired to his home at this late hour. If I may accompany you, I may show you the way for it is not so very far beyond the fort.”

He held out his arm to her, but Jocelyn took a step back, shaking her head as she did so. “Regrettably, I feel that I must take this journey alone, without your esteemed company. Now as to where I should be going…?”

Seeing a battle that could be won by other methods, the officer pointed the way, indicating where she should turn and the general description of the sizeable home. It was of course natural that he follow her.

As an officer and a gentleman, it was only natural that he would guard the welfare of a lady on her own at that late of an hour, particularly one so new to the area. Secondly, and perhaps just as important, being the first in on a delicious piece of gossip regarding his superior officer proved handier than one would think, even if he were also said Officer’s staunch friend…but then again Lieutenant Theodore Groves never was one to temper curiosity with reason.

pirates of the caribbean, writing

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