First post

Oct 01, 2007 16:21

Hey guys! Long-time lurker, first-time poster. It is a slow day at work here, so I decided to finally get this journal up and running. I see that Don is on now. Hey Maaaaan ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

welcome and join the ranks... dc_illustration October 1 2007, 22:07:09 UTC
...of those of us that work with peeps much younger than yourself. For instance, Tod and I were eating lunch in the courtyard with Isabel (younger obviously). Topic turned to something to do with caricatures and I made the bad joke of "yeah, and that was when you were in elementary school." Such a bad idea. She did the math and figured that the year I started she was indeed in 3rd grade. Ooohhhhhhhh that hurts!


lurkers unite! veggie_di October 2 2007, 01:57:51 UTC
i love to lurk. i just made a comment on ant's i've now made two comments in one night, a new personal record i think. woot.

hmm...young'uns. my 10 year high school reunion is in less than two weeks AND i just got my invite to the reception at VCU for those with 10 years of service to the university...yep, that would be me.


welcome to the fold. fireballzer0 October 2 2007, 16:11:21 UTC

i understand.

i have to say '95.


tracipage October 2 2007, 22:22:26 UTC
welcome indeed!

eeek. doesn't that make you feel old? how about when you ask someone their year of birth, and they sweetly reply, 1983. blegh.


mrs_budzisz October 3 2007, 13:23:04 UTC
I know!!! And the 16 year-olds working at the grocery store have started calling me ma'am. Yikes.


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