You can only go up from here.

Aug 03, 2005 10:40

YAY! Things are looking up. I'm happy!

We hired two boys at an all girl store the other day. I don't know how I feel about this. I don't really like boys and I'm kinda mean to them. I hope I can handle the whole situation. ::Good Luck to me::

I'm going to defensive driving school soon. Wow. I wonder what you have to do.

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Comments 13

stopxbreathing August 3 2005, 15:56:13 UTC
you have to watch really lame videos.


mrs_firefly August 4 2005, 03:06:57 UTC
BOO!! no fun! dude. I hate it.


duh_keightlinnn August 3 2005, 20:39:35 UTC
good thing youre happy.
you start school like tommorrow i think.
good luck.
i misssssssssssss you


mrs_firefly August 4 2005, 03:07:14 UTC
I probably miss you more keight! Come to Chatty SOON! <3 Love you bunches!


iamridiculous August 3 2005, 22:03:15 UTC
what happened?
why do you have to go to defensive driving school?


mrs_firefly August 4 2005, 03:06:41 UTC
I have 6 pts on my license thus preventing me from driving for 6 months and condoming me to driving school for 2 weeks. BOO!


chrisislegend August 4 2005, 01:29:28 UTC
You don't like boys?
Hah. Just playing.
Guys in girls store sounds interesting.


deadville August 4 2005, 02:43:21 UTC
guys in girls stores sounds like the best idea ever


mrs_firefly August 4 2005, 03:07:44 UTC
no, its not, bc i am sooooo freaking mean to guys. All they want is to be players. DUH! I hate em all!


deadville August 4 2005, 16:44:04 UTC
fuck guys!


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