wow - I just can't believe those nurses!! Good for you for standing up to them and being an avid breastfeeder. I'm not against those that don't, I'm just really FOR those that do. :D
Connor and I were bike riding on Saturday night and we had to go out a driveway and onto the road to go around all the cars in your driveway!!! Must have been a fun time.
Connor had high bili counts too. He had to be on the blanket for 2 days. It sucked but with vigorous nursing [he didn't have a problem with that!!] he came out of it pretty quick too. All the heel pokes were the worst though!
We're all frequent pink eye people around here. I think we're all just very prone to it. Giving the drops to a baby is hard but way easier than a toddler!! Glad he's just about done though. Let me know when you're up for a visit, I'll bring brownies. :D
Did you know that breast milk can help cure pink eye and eye infections in babies and toddlers? My mom did that for several of my siblings and it worked great. It's a good alternative to the eye drops.
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with those pesky nurses. I was warned by my aunt what they would try to do with both kids, and so I just ignored their attempts to get me to bottle feed. When Brad was circumsized, the first thing my doctor had me do was nurse him afterward because that would comfort him faster than anything. He ate like a horse.
ALL nursed babies lose a little weight in the first day or three after they are born. The nurses you had need to grow up. They must not get a lot of nursing mothers.
Tristen didn't touch a bottle until she was over six months old. Brad was 11 months old. I never pumped. I just went with the natural course of it all.
All of that said, I'm happy for you and I can't wait to see pictures of Bennett.
Im sorry they pushed you about bottles so much. I can't believe it. Sheesh! I would've been quite irate with them, and probably would've voiced it rather firmly! *HUGGGGS* I am glad Bennett is doing alright now, and that you are home and he's eating well, etc. :)
Comments 7
Connor and I were bike riding on Saturday night and we had to go out a driveway and onto the road to go around all the cars in your driveway!!! Must have been a fun time.
Connor had high bili counts too. He had to be on the blanket for 2 days. It sucked but with vigorous nursing [he didn't have a problem with that!!] he came out of it pretty quick too. All the heel pokes were the worst though!
Glad you're home and doing well!
But, after today, no more of that. He and I will both be happy of that!
ALL nursed babies lose a little weight in the first day or three after they are born. The nurses you had need to grow up. They must not get a lot of nursing mothers.
Tristen didn't touch a bottle until she was over six months old. Brad was 11 months old. I never pumped. I just went with the natural course of it all.
All of that said, I'm happy for you and I can't wait to see pictures of Bennett.
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