How old were you when you got pregnant?
How old was the dad?
How did you find out?
Pregnancy test
Who was the first person you told?
How did the parents react?
They were shocked beyond belief, but excited.
Did you have morning sickness?
I basically had the plague my entire first trimester.
Any problems when you were pregnant?
Did you find out what you were having?
What was it?
What was the chosen name for a boy?
Evan Alan (Evan is my dad's middle name and Alan is my husband and his dad's middle name)
For a girl?
Ashlyn Ellen (Ellen is mine, my mom's and my great-grandma's middle name)
Did the baby have any problems?
How much weight did you gain?
20 lbs.
Did you consider abortion?
What were your first symptoms of pregnancy?
Did your boobs get HUGE?
Were you miserable at the end?
Not really
When did you first notice contractions?
At 5pm when I left work on January 27th. I had a weird premonition he was coming that day, weeks befordhand.
How far apart were they?
I wasn't timing them until about 3 hours later when they ranged from 5-15 minutes apart.
Were they painful?
They were incredibly uncomfortable.
When did you go to the hospital?
2:30am when I woke up bleeding.
Did you ever get sent home?
How far were you when you got admitted to the hospital?
How long were you in labor before you had your baby?
I guess 17.5 hours since my contractions started at 5pm the evening before, but I was at the hospital laboring for 8 hours.
Did you get an epidural?
Yes, but the stupid thing ran out and the nurses didn't refill it. I didn't have it when I needed it.
Did you have a C-section?
Did you hold the baby first?
How much did the baby weigh?
7 lb. 7 oz.
How long was the baby?
20 inches
What was the baby's birthday?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
When was your due date?
February 3, 2009
What time was the baby born?
How far along were you when you had the baby?
39 weeks, 1 day
What hospital did you give birth at?
Henry Ford Macomb Hospital
Who delivered the baby?
The doctor from the practice who was on call. Evan decided to come during a snowstorm so my doctor couldn't get there in time. =[
What was the baby's name?
Evan Alan
Did you decide the name before or wait to see the baby?
Was there any problems with the baby?
He had an irregular heartbeat, which I guess is common in newborns. They ran extra tests, but he was fine. =]
How did you feel afterwards?
Exhausted, hungry, emotional
When did you leave the hospital?
2 days later
Was your baby jaundiced?
A little, but not enough to require special lighting or anything.
Did you tear when you had the baby?
No, they cut me and stitched me, both with no pain meds. =[ Thank God I cannot recreate any of the birthing pains in my mind!!! Especially considering I had no epidural or pain meds when I really needed it.
The First Year
What did your baby wear home from the hospital?
A fleece football outfit.
Did you breastfeed? If not, what kind of formula and bottles did you use?
He wouldn't latch so I pumped for the first month and then switched to formula for when I went back to work after 6 weeks. I couldn't keep up with his demand. At first we used Enfamil but now use Parents Choice from Walmart. We compared the labels, they're identical. For the first 6 months we used Gentle formula but now he's fine with regular.
When did your baby first roll over?
3 months
When did your baby start sitting up by themselves?
6 months
6.5 months
Pulling themselves up on things?
7 months
8 months
Walking alone?
Soon I'm sure! He's standing not holding onto anything. He cruises along the furniture and walks with his push toys.
Does your baby talk?
Yes, he says mama, dada, ella (Trying to say Bella one of our dogs' names), ball, bubble, giggle
What's your baby's favorite food?
Anything and everything! I swear if you continued to feed him, he'd eat forever!!!
Least favorite?
He used to hate peas, but has since gotten over it.
How much does your baby weigh now?
Around 21 lbs.
How old is your baby?
He will be 10 months old a week from tomorrow.
How tall?
I don't remember, 50% I know that.
What did you do for their first birthday?
He is having an Elmo themed birthday party. He loves the 'Elmo's World' segment of Sesame Street with Elmo, Dorothy and Mr. Noodle.
Where was their first birthday?
I will be having it at my parents' house.
What is your favorite thing to do with your baby?
Talking, dancing, cuddling, EVERYTHING!!!!
What is your baby's favorite past time?
Dancing, for sure! He's always dancing and sometimes sings while dancing--SO CUTE!!
Do they like being outside?
Are they social?
VERY!!!! He already has multiple girlfriends, LOL.
Are you back to your pre-pregnancy weight?
I lost all my baby weight in 10 days but have since gained half of it back.
How did you lose it?
Pumping and now I'm too busy to try and lose it again.
Do you have the same friends you did before you got pregnant?
Yes and then some. =]
Did they ditch you?
Nope, everyone loves Evan.
Do you have more friends with kids?
A few of my friends have kids.
Do you have stretch marks?
NO! Woohoo!
Is your baby fussy or happy?
He was pretty fussy but since his teeth have popped through he is one happy camper.
Do you plan on having more kids?
Yes, in another 2-3 years.
How many?
What are the names for a girl? For a boy?
Not sure what we would name another boy, but my husband likes 'A' names for girls. I like Ashlyn, Audrey, Adrianna, Blair, Esme, Rosalie, Grace
Do you regret any decisions?