"I always had to be careful handling his dreams, because I found them so transparent, this good luck dream not excluded. It was a landscape dream. He is at a height above the landscape, either on an overlook or in the air over the main item in it. He's looking down onto a wooded countryside, a wilderness with a circular lake at the heart of it, the lake featuring a round island at its center, and in the center of the island a circular pond. The unfailing association for this dream was with the good junctures in his life. Could this be anything but a breast analog? I'm sure that's what it was.... If this scene is anything, it's a breast inside a moat.
The really embarassing thing is that I was flipping through my books for a quote, and I had almost settled on a nice passage about better happiness & right below that was the breast island dream. R voted for the better happiness, but I felt sure that the breast island was apropos. So I went with that. So then I was admiring it & that's when I was reminded that it was a melon plant. Gggh.
Comments 5
--Norman Rush, Mating
Okay, that wasn't so funny.
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