Emerald sanity stats

Nov 16, 2012 15:25

❦ Temporal adventuress, music-hall singer, revolutionary in search of a cause.

Overview: The nature of Una's existence skirts the edges of what most people consider sanity in the first place, which gives her some protection against the horrors and ambient madness of the Emerald world. Nevertheless, she is not entirely unaffected.

Lucidity ✴✴✴
Una is plagued by nightmares and a constant sense of dread, the latter of which has become a kind of psychic chronic pain. She compensates through the theatre and through pleasure- and adventure-seeking. On the other hand, the defences she has built up over many lifetimes of travel across space and time are proof against most hallucinations and afford her a clarity of vision that keeps much erosion of her sanity at bay.

Stability ✴✴✴
Any instability in Una's personality comes as much from the inherent occupational hazards of a chrononaut as from this London. The other side of the comprehensive psychic disguise is an occasional tendency toward amnesia or madness, against which she struggles to maintain her sense of identity. The fact that madness is built into the fabric of this world doesn't help. Most days, when the mask fits exactly, she's fine, but she knows that if she lets her guard down for long, she could lose her grip quickly.

Normativity ✴✴✴✴
It's a chrononaut's gift to blend into new worlds and times so as to appear a native, and Una has thus assimilated herself here. Her present rôle is of a bohemian demimondaine, a self-possessed and charismatic singer and actress and adventuress and more than a bit of a hedonist, but at the same time she is watching everything that is happening around her, listening carefully and trying to understand the forces at work. She is a revolutionary at heart, always looking for a cause, and never wavers in her belief in human self-determination, and that keeps her moral compass from straying too far off course.

[Originally posted at http://una-persson.dreamwidth.org/98911.html - comments go there.]
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