Funny comic

Mar 17, 2009 19:39

This is a comic I made its my first time make comics and I used paint since I didnt have
photoshop PLEASE READ IT AND TELL ME IF U LIKED IT, OR NOT. AND ALSO TELL ME IF I HOULD MAKE MORE OR NOT. summery:Yesung's bugs get stolen then he finds out yunho stole them,what will yesung do for revenge?

Yesung: We have some breaking news...

Yesung: stole my bugs...
plz help me find them...please...

Yunho: Eunhyuk you better not tell him I Was only hungry...

Eunhyuk: Hyung it was Yunho!
Yesung: oh~ really?
yesung: He-he-he.

Yesung:Everyone its was Yunho.

Yunho:Shit! I will never trust Eunhyuk again *sigh* Im so dead.

Eeteuk"Looks like somebody is gpnna die.....want some help?
Sungmin:I can help with my martial arts.
Yesung:No, Its ok I can do it myself.

Yesung trains for a day! <3 <3 <3

Arrow pointing at yesung: Yesung training
Arrow pointing at Junsu: Junsu luaghing at Yesung

Yesung:Time to kick some butt!

Yunho:Hey! aren't you guys gonna help me!?

Yoochun: Hey, we aren't the ones who stole his bugs.
Jaejoong: Did I mention that Im sexy.
Changmin:Yup, you did.

Sound effects:Smak! punch! kick!
Yunho: OW! that hurts! ahhh! ow my but!! Help!
Yesung:Take that! and that! DIE!!

Yesung:Its about time these babies came to use.(arrow points at yesungs muscles)

Yunho:*sniff* T-that really hurt! *sob*

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