Oooooooh, this should be hard for me since I normally find myself pairing up comedians and the such like. BUT I guess my f-list will know whats coming here under the fictional character section. :P
GIO/BETTY -from The show Ugly Betty
why I like this pairing: These two are just so adorable. When they first met they were very hostile towards each other and ended up quacking and woofing (yep, thats what I said) whilst having an argument. As the second series of the show continued, their relationship as friends was rocky as Betty had her boyfriend Henry and loved him and Gio would make fun of him calling him 'Egg Salad' and such. Gio knew that Henry wasn't the right man for Betty yet she took no notice of what Gio said. The show contnued with Gio and Betty growing a lot closer, so much so that Gio falls madly for her (YAY!) and they do eventually got to an 'exploratory phase' in their relationship. There are so many cute little moments between them. Hugs, free sandwiches, dances, banter, more sandwiches, an invite for a trip of a lifetime and the kisses (as pictured). SQUEEE! :D (Total getty girl when it comes to this show)
DOCTOR(tenth mainly but nine is alright too)/ROSE from the show Doctor Who
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I LOVE this pairing!!! Look, they are totally in love!
I would write a BIG GINORMOUS rant about how amazing i think this pairing is...and trust me I want to but i feel it would take me hours (literally) to write everything that makes it such an amazing love between the two of them...lets just leave it as the 'fantastic' pairing. I'm sure loads of people will be agreeing with me ^__^
I think that's it to be honest, and even the pairings I've mentioned are typical ones for the show and the directors knew about them, but still, these are my favourites ever! (in the fiction catagory of course).
Adios! :D