Some I cut because I don't read your posts, some I cut because you don't respond to my posts ever, and some I cut because I just don't agree with some of the things you say... no offense to anyone I think everyone's great... but with the things going on in my life I want to make LJ as simple as possible.
I signed up to receive a free photo ipod. ONLY because there are so many people that are saying it really works!! All you ahve to do is sign up and refer people yourself, it's that easy
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So Mickey and Minnie are in divorce court and the judge says to Mickey "I read your reasons for wanting to divorce Minnie over and over and from what I can see there is nothing that proves to me she is insane." Mickey looks at the judge and says "Oh no no no. I didn't say she was insane, I said she was fucking goofy."
:P mrsanaya's LJ stalker is poopower!poopower is stalking you because they think you are rich and they want your blingbling. They are also getting jiggy with your best friend!
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