When the snow falls like a curtain on the deeds that we have done
And there's no way to be certain if we've lost or if we've won,
I will hold you through your dying, I will tell you it's all right
The Player
User Name/Nick: Zoë
User LJ:
zoe_chanAIM/IM: W1ndrBoy003
E-mail: nutterzoi@hotmail.com
Other Characters: N/A
The Character
Character Name: Tim Drake/Red Robin
Character Journal:
mrsarcastic003Canon: DC Comics
Age: 17
From When?: BEFORE The Return of Bruce Wayne and the start of all of the Batman Incorporated stuff.
Abilities/Powers: Unlike many DC heroes, Tim does not have any “special” abilities. He has the strength and endurance of a teenage athlete, and is very intelligent. He has been trained by Batman in a number of varied fighting disciplines, as well as forensics, criminology, acrobatics, stealth, disguise, and criminology. He has naturally strong deductive skills, which make him a good detective, and he has a firm grasp of computer science, biology, and genetic engineering (as seen in his attempts to clone his dead best friend). His time as leader of Young Justice and then the Teen Titans has proven him to be a skilled leader and strategist.
Power Limitations: N/A
Dark grey suit jacket
Red button-down shirt
Gold tie
One pair of dark grey suit pants
One pair of black men's dress shoes
One set of forearm crutches
Smart phone
Utility belt, containing: 6 smoke pellets, 2 tanglers (explode into goo that traps people), 2 flash-bangs, rebreather, flash drive with Bat hacking software, small LED light, small camera, small first aid kit (bandages, needle, thread, antiseptic, glue)
Wallet, containing: New Jersey driver's license, around forty dollars in small bills, band-aid, credit card
Personality: Tim is serious and emotionally reserved, and does not open up easily to strangers. He's very slow to trust, and even when he does trust people, he never trusts absolutely. There's always a little voice in the back of his head (and it sounds a lot like Batman) asking “If this person turned or became a threat, what would be the most efficient way to take them down?” This is just as true with his friends, family, and closest allies as it is with his enemies.
This is not to say that Tim doesn't love. He believes strongly in the acquired family and cares very deeply for his friends and those he considers to be a part of his family. He would do just about anything for them, including compromising his principles, and working with supervillains like Lex Luthor and Ra's al Ghul for their welfare. This is, in fact, one of his greatest fears about himself. During a time traveling adventure with the Teen Titans, he met a version of himself as Batman who - for love of his family - had compromised every principle Tim held, including the one he considers to be the most inviolable: We don't kill. When he returned to the present, he swore that he would never allow himself to become that, but the fear that he could has never entirely left him.
As a lifelong resident of Gotham, and a vigilante, Tim doesn't believe that the world is a “fair” place. He's seen too many bad things happen to good people, and vice versa, to believe that. He does, however, believe in justice, and Batman's mission to take care of the people of Gotham. That's why he decided to work with Batman in the first place, and why he continues to follow his mission and his rules, even though the man himself is missing.
As a result of a childhood spent sneaking around and lying about taking pictures of vigilantes, and an adolescence sneaking around and lying about being a vigilante, Tim has become very good at lying and hiding what he's doing - and what he's feeling. He prefers to deal with - or repress - his emotions on his own, and doesn't like to share them with other people. Especially if something's wrong. He doesn't like to become a burden on his family and friends, and tends to push people away while he's dealing with whatever is wrong with him. He won't open up about a problem unless someone close to him forces the issue - and they really have to work at it to get him to say what's wrong. He doesn't like to be seen as anything but perfect and in complete control.
Tim has a very overdeveloped sense of personal responsibility. He feels responsible for his friends, his family, and his city, and if something does go wrong on his watch, it's difficult to convince him that he is not somehow responsible for what happened - and worse if there is a way he can blame himself. He's still haunted by the death of his father (who was murdered because Tim was Robin and someone wanted to send a message to the world's heroes), and he remembers all the people he's failed to save.
History: As a very young child, Tim Drake went to the circus with his parents-Jack and Janet-where he witnessed a horrible crime-the murder of Dick Grayson’s parents, whom he had met prior to the show in which they died. The memory of that day haunted him, and he became obsessed with it. At nine years old, he saw a news-clip of Batman and Robin and recognized Dick as Robin. From there, it was an easy jump to Bruce Wayne as Batman. At thirteen, following the death of Jason Todd (the second Robin), Tim approached Dick to ask him to become Robin again, believing that Batman needs a Robin for balance. When Dick refused, Tim took up the mantle.
While Tim was working toward becoming Robin, his parents-often away-were attacked and held hostage. His mother died as a result of this, and his father was put into a coma. While Jack Drake was in the hospital, Tim stayed with neighbor and family friend, Bruce Wayne, and began working with Batman as Robin.
When Tim’s father came out of his coma, he was paralyzed, and Tim had a new secret-his Robin ID. His father eventually made a full recovery with the aid of a physical therapist-Dana-whom he fell in love with and married. Tim and his father’s relationship became strained as Jack tried to reconnect with Tim, who was keeping secrets and spending a lot of time with Bruce Wayne.
As Robin, Tim worked with and was trained by Batman and-briefly-the Lady Shiva (a world-class assassin). He was a hero in Gotham during a number of city-wide crises, including catastrophic earthquakes, deadly viruses, and gang wars. It was as Robin that he met his long-term girlfriend, Stephanie, who died in the gang wars after a brief time as Robin (Tim quit for a while after his father found out about his activities). Shortly after the death of his girlfriend, his father was also murdered, and his stepmother suffered a mental breakdown, causing Tim to move to a different city to get a little distance.
Tim has also led two teams of young superheroes-Young Justice, and then the Teen Titans. It was in Young Justice that Tim met his two closest friends-Kon-El/Conner Kent (Superboy) and Bart Allen (Impulse/Kid Flash). During a huge, multiverse-wide crisis, both Kid Flash and Superboy fought a duplicate version of Superboy (Superboy Prime). Superboy was killed trying to stop him, and Kid Flash was aged a number of years. A year later-as the Flash-Bart Allen was murdered by the Rogues. Both deaths devastated Tim.
After Superboy’s death, he left on a year-long trip around the world with Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne, who later adopted him when they returned to Gotham City. Tim also adopted new costume colors, and a slightly different design-the current Robin costume-in honor of Superboy's memory.
Death, however, is rarely permanent in DC comics, and it was soon discovered that Stephanie was not dead, as previously believed, and she returned to Gotham to begin working with the Bat family again. Superboy and Kid Flash likewise returned, but then the unthinkable happened. Batman was killed.
Dick Grayson took up the mantle of Batman, replacing Tim as Robin with Damian Wayne, Bruce's biological son. Tim was hurt, but he didn't believe that Bruce was truly dead, and so he left Gotham as Red Robin, and began the search to find out what had really happened to Bruce Wayne. During this time, he allied himself briefly with Ra's al Ghul, the head of the League of Assassins. Together, they discovered that Bruce had not really died, but been sent back in time. While allied with Ra's he secretly began to work to take down the organization from within, and succeeded by blowing up the League's base and crippling the organization
He soon returned to Gotham to stop Ra's from taking over Wayne Enterprises and killing Bruce Wayne's allies in the city. While his friends protected the targets from Ra's assassins, he was made CEO of Wayne Enterprises, so that Ra's would be unable to destroy the company. When he confronted Ra's, he acknowledged that Tim had actually beaten him and called him “Detective,” a title he had previously reserved for Bruce alone.
After the confrontation with Ra's, Tim began operating out of Gotham again. He made up with Dick, though he still had an adversarial relationship with Damian, and he started to take up a more active role in Wayne Enterprises. In this role, he came into conflict with a pair of dirty cops who tried to have him killed. Instead of shooting Tim, however, the assassin they hired shot one of his friends, a shape-changer who was doubling as him. He took the opportunity to throw off two people who were trying to link him to his secret identity by faking a spinal injury with a long recovery time. As Tim Drake-Wayne, he now walks with a set of crutches.
Meanwhile, the Justice League had been working on a way to bring Bruce Wayne back to the present time. As they came closer to the answer-and a whole host of problems that bringing him back would cause-they decided to bring in Tim, who had done a lot of the research involved in finding out what had happened to Bruce.
The Wood grabbed him just before he could take that call.
First Person Sample: [5-10 Sentences]
I knew this was going to be a difficult ruse when I planned it, but... Yeah. Here, in the privacy of my own head, I'll admit that it's pretty damn hard pretending I can't do things that I'm very capable of doing. Like walking. It's... a lot like keeping my training and skills under wraps, but so much worse. I have to be on guard all the time about what I can and can't do while I'm “recovering.”
At least it seems to be working. Lonnie's told me that I'm off Anarky's list of possible Red Robins now, and Vicki has finally stopped watching me for injuries that she can match to extra-legal vigilante activities. I know she's still watching, wondering if I'm faking, but... It's working.
For now.
Prose Sample:
Tim did not like what he saw. He put down the binoculars with a small frown. The child prostitution ring was a lot more organized than he’d given them credit for. They had a number of armed guards, and a strict guard rotation and route. It would be almost impossible to infiltrate their system, and a solo full out assault would be suicide.
Tim sighed. He needed a better plan, and he needed help. There was no way he’d be able to get all of those kids out safely on his own. He leaned back a little, considering his options. His first thought was to call Batman in, but he immediately discarded the idea. Batman was working an escape from Arkham that night-with Robin-and Tim couldn’t wait any longer. They were already replacing the kids he’d taken to safehouses, and it made him sick to see the hopeless kids and teenagers that had been caught up in this.
So, waiting was out, which meant Batman and Robin were out. His next thought was to bring Cass in, because if there was ever a person to have at your back in a fight, it was her, but again, no. The last he had heard, she was in Hong Kong, and he still didn't want to wait.
Especially when he had other options. He reached up and tapped his comm. It had been ages since he'd and Batgirl had worked a case together, and... okay, maybe he had had a lot to do with that. Working with an ex girlfriend was always a little awkward, and he and Steph never seemed to be able to find the right things to say to each other these days, but...
Backup was backup.
“O-can you send BG to me if she's not busy? There are some people here she'd just love to beat up.”
Special Notes: [N/A]