Name: Lily Aldrin
Age: 31
Birthdate: March 22nd (the date "Say Cheese" aired, WHICH DOESN'T MAKE SENSE but that's the standard canon sets, so.)
Birthplace: New York City, New York, USA
Bloodtype: ide...k. LET'S SAY O. THE UNIVERSAL DONOR!!!
Dominant Hand: Right.
Eyesight: Goo...d. I don't know, man, she doesn't wear glasses.
Height: 5'4''
Weight: YOU DON'T ASK A LADY how the eff should I know.
Hair: Lily is the type of girl that changes her hair every time she has a great personal revelation. So, you know, like ONCE A SEASON.
Pre-Series: PERKY GOTH. Black and short, with harsh bangs across her forhead.
Season 1: Standard Alyson Hannigan hair. Short, red, curly, no bangs.
Season 2: The San Francisco cut! She grew it out, dyed it brown, and gave herself the same heavy-ish bangs.
Season 3/Season 4: San Francisco, modified for New York. Which is basically the same, except she sweeps her bangs to the side a little more often than leaving them to lay flat against her forehead.
Season 5: Letting the red grow back in, so it's more of a dark auburn.
Eyes: Green
Skin: She's fairly tan; not as dark as she was when she came back from California, but she's still on the more "tan" side of the spectrum.
Other facial features: NOR...MAL
Favourite food: EVERYTHING. Not even kidding, she is a complete foodie. She loves fancy stuff just for the sake of it being fancy, French cuisine and Tai food, but pancakes have a special place in her heart. She's been making them for Marshall and Ted on Sunday mornings for years.
Favourite colour: If you ask her, she probably won't be able to give you a straight answer, but she tends to favor cool colors, like greens and blues and purples.
Favourite movies: She likes both standard girly romantic comedies and action films with lots of explosions. She pretends to like Star Wars a lot more than she actually does, for Marshall's sake.
Favourite books: She doesn't read a whole lot, but she has a stack of trashy romance novels stashed in places around her apartment.
Favourite music: She likes upbeat, quirky stuff. Also heavy metal left over from her goth stage. "Good Feeling" gets a special mention because it's her and Marshall's song.
Favourite animal: ANYTHING FUZZY AND CUTE. I'm not even kidding here. A goat wormed its way into her heart by being somehow adorable. She named it Missy.
Favourite weather: Cool and crisp with a lot of sunshine.
Favourite sport/physical activity:
Favourite date spot: Something SWEEPING AND ROMANTIC, start with a nice restaurant (bonus points for French food) with low lighting and a classy ambiance, follow with a walk, hands-entwined, talking about something nonsensical but endearing, and end with wine back in the apartment.
Of course, what USUALLY happens is her and Marshall sitting on the couch in their underwear having farting contests. But. THAT'S THE IDEAL.
Preferred type: Marshall. :') BUT SHE'S ALSO A NOTORIOUS WINDOW-SHOPPER so people who are especially attractive and strike her as adventurous get guest spots in some special dreams of hers and/or probing questions about their sex lives.
Best subject: Studio Art, followed by Classic Literature, Psychology, and Environmental Science.
Disliked food: There's honestly not a whole lot she doesn't like. She doesn't really like the taste/texture combination of certain kinds of seafood, though (like scallops, oysters, clams, etc.).
Disliked colour: Off-white, peach, anything pale or pastel-y. She goes for loud, vibrant colors.
Disliked movies: Star Wars, ugh. SHE DIDN'T ACTUALLY CARE MUCH ABOUT IT WHEN SHE FIRST SAW IT, but having Marshall, Ted, and Barney go ON AND ON about it can wear you out after a while. She pretends to like it more than she does, and thankfully Marshall isn't as obsessive as Ted.
Disliked books: Long, boring stuff with tiny print. Law textbooks in particular, just because they canceled many a date back in college.
Disliked music: Country :( SHE'S FROM NEW YORK AND IS A ROCK SNOB.
Disliked animal: Fish, frogs, THINGS THAT WOULD BE MOIST OR SLIMY IF SHE TOUCHED THEM, cockamouses (yeah), bugs in general.
Disliked weather: Sleet, rain in late fall/early winter. Basically cold and uncomfortable without being snow.
Disliked sport/physical activity: Running.
Disliked date spot: She doesn't have a disliked date spot if Marshall is involved. If he's not, then... everything is a disliked date spot.
Disliked type: She doesn't like sleazy (Barney is the only exception to that one, and that's only because she's too busy being fascinated by his lifestyle), overly persistent, or SUPER SERIOUS ABOUT EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME.
Worst subject: MATH come on.
Description of bedroom:
She has it more or less set up like her backup apartment before she moved in with Marshall and Ted, because setting it up like her Dowisetrepla apartment reminds her too much of Marshall, and she's not enough of an architect to come up with something drastically different. The door opens into a medium/small-ish living room with an l-shaped couch and a TV. She has a lot of pillows and blankets on the couch for watching movies and having people over, and there's a chair in the back corner with Feely Redux sitting in it when she has him. The living room is connected to decent-sized kitchen that's stocked VERY well so she can cook whatever the fuck she wants.
A hallway offshoots from the door that leads to her bathroom on one end and her bedroom on the other, where she has a fairly large bed stacked with pillows on one side to help her sleep at night without Marshall. She leaves Marshmallow Redux (the second bear Barney bought for her) leaned up against the pillows. She has a walk-in closet filled to the BRIM with fancy, designer clothes and shoes, and a dresser COVERED with cute earrings and jewelry. Like, you could walk into her room and pinpoint her as being a) codependent and b) a shopaholic.
Scents (shampoo/cologne/lotion/etc.): She likes sweet, fruity bodywashes and lotions. Cucumber melon is a favorite. She wears perfume on special occasions, and it's always light and fresh.
Laugh: It tends to come in short, giggly bursts. She's also one of those people who's prone to the silent laughter.
Sense of humour: Very snarky and sarcastic, actually, but she tends to draw the line when she feels like it's getting mean.
Temper: She's very patient, but once you pass a certain point, she can get very angry very fast. And she is vicious when she's angry.
Basic nature: Sweet, optimistic, and sociable. She likes to be helpful and play Dr. Phil with her friends, but sometimes it careens into "nosy."
Kinsey rating: 1 or 2. She's canonly bicurious, but she and Marshall met so early that she never really had a chance to experiment (it is, in fact, one of her life's regrets). She has a serious girl crush on Robin, though, and routinely makes off-hand comments about it ("Because they're not in love with Robin, and neither am I. I mean, she's great. Sweet. I'm not gonna pretend I haven't noticed her body, but this is off-topic!" and "Listen to me. Robin Scherbatsky is many things. Friend, confidant, occasional guest star in a few confusing dreams that remind me that a woman's sexuality is a moving target, but she is no crazy-jealous-stalker-bitch!")
Spends money on: Clothes. CLOTHES CLOTHES CLOTHES CLOTHES. Forever.
Daily rituals: Wake up, breakfast in her room, shower, GETTING READY!, read the journal, go into town at some point and drop into the Kat for a few minutes on days she knows Barney's there.
Random trivia: She kept her last name when she got married, which why she's Lily Aldrin and not Lily Eriksen or Lily Eriksen-Aldrin, she's a habitually loud chewer, she's flashed her boobs a number of time to get her way (and once just for fun), idk LOTS OF THINGS.
Currently wants: Marshall, and to go home.
Dress (style, colors): She's very stylish and classy, with bright, vibrant colors, cute prints, and quirky cuts.
Current occupation: Nothing at the moment! She's a kindergarten teacher at home.
Marital status: Married, to Marshall.
Current Residence: 1305
Sun sign: Aries
Decanate: First Decan, Week of the Child, ruled by Mars.
Moon sign: Beats me, probably not a good thing to guess.
Rising sign: Beats me, probably not a good thing to guess.
Dominant character traits: Upbeat, sweet, and friendly; very maternal with a tendency to poke her nose into your business.
Likeable traits: She's easy to engage and get to know, and she's good to go to with problems. She's level-headed and caring, and will either give you a straight, reasonable answer or side with you and let you vent depending on the situation.
Annoying traits: She can be very nosy and overbearing, and tends to project her own ideals of behavior and relationships onto other people.
Love interest(s): ~♥~Marshall~♥~
Lust interest(s): lol :') if you are attractive and strike her as cool, adventurous, or kinky, you probably go here, male or female.
Close friends: Ted, Barney, and Robin.
Other friends: Buffy, Sylvanas, ALL HER CHILDRANS, anyone she talks to on a semi-regular basis.
Acquaintances: Anyone she's given her name to.
Enemies and why: Faye can go die in a fire for all she cares. Their first interactions were incredibly strained (and hit way too close to the Ted and Barney friendbreakup incident), and the Berserk plot just nuked... everything. She has some sympathy for Faye, but the odds of her ever really liking her are slim to none.
Family: Her family is scattered and estranged (even though canon is kind of annoyingly inconsistent about it), so really the ones who belong here are Marshall, Ted, Barney, and Robin.
Habits: She's very touchy-feely; lots of hugs, arm touches, and shoulder-squeezing for comfort/encouragement. She uses endearments (usually "sweetie" or "honey"; "baby" is reserved for Marshall) with children and people she considers good friends, though the amount she uses it goes up if you're female (or Barney). She makes pancakes for brunch on Sundays. Always.
Talents: SHE HAD... AN ART TALENT but then the castle took it away. :'( And even then it wasn't an AWESOME talent, dogs were the only ones that really appreciated her work. :'''( She also has a talent for ruining relationships. .... :')b
Hobbies: ART!!! except not anymore. She's also a gourmet cook, likes to shop/coordinate designs and outfits, and has been journeying into the strange world of matchmaking (as opposed to matchdestroying)
Entertainment of choice: TV and movies, thinking about vacations and sight-seeing.
Musical talents: Like, zero. She'll sing karaoke if "Good Feeling" comes on or Barney makes her, but she has no real talent.
Ambitions: Her art ambitions had been more or less crushed under the heel of San Francisco and veterinarians being the only ones who bought her artwork. Since then her grand life ambitions have been floundering a little, and she threw herself into teaching and her family.
Educational background: Good! She went to a Little Ivy for college, so that has to say something, at least.
Philosophy of life: To live it well and to the fullest, finding happiness wherever you can. Don't neglect any area of your life -- friends, relationships, or yourself -- because the worst thing is to wish you would've done something when it's too late. Find love, and treasure your friends.
Introvert/extrovert: Extrovert. Waaaay extroverted.
Intuitive/reasoning: Intuitive. She's very much into gut feelings and "signs from the universe" that something is/is not supposed to happen.
Optimist/pessimist: Optimist. Until she hits her temper limit, when she drops straight down into pessimist.
Tense/relaxed: Relaxed! But she can get very tense very fast.
Serious/carefree: Carefreeeee. LIVE AND LET LIVE, BRO.