Sure! But only as long as you promise to follow along and post once in a while! I like to "know" my friends. ;) I see you all over the place and I know you're pretty good friends with Brandy, so I'm totally OK with it.
Hey Becky...Im here..Im here I dont come on LJ as much anymore but at least once a week. Can I be friended again? :) I hae to keep up wiht lots more journals from now on
Sure. Please don't take offense that I de-friended you earlier. I just hadn't heard from you in a long time, and I cleaned up my friends list -- you aren't the only one. I like to know the people who are reading about my personal life, so make sure you say hi once in a while!
Absolutey I appreciate it. I try to come here at leasat once a week now instead of just once every couple I am mostl on CC so thats why but dont want to lose my "friends" here :)
Sure ... I knew who you were! But I'll warn you that I clean up my friends list every so often, and if you don't ever post or comment, I tend to delete you without warning!
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