Stolen Survey...

Feb 19, 2009 11:59

1. Do you like blue cheese? Yes. I used to hate it, but now I love it.
2. Do you own a gun? Most definitely NOT...I haven't even touched one before, they are scary.
3. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? None, I always thought it was too sweet. I was more of a "Tang" kid. :)
4. What do you think of hot dogs? I like them every once in a while.
5. Favorite Christmas movie? It's not a Christmas movie it's self, but it's always on at Christmas Time--- "Sound of Music"
6. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? OJ, Or a fruit smoothie, which we've been making every morning.
7. Can you do push ups? Not really. :(
8. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My engagement ring.
9. Favorite hobby?  Anything that has to do with Art or Music.
10. Do you have A.D.D? No.  I wont even get into how I feel about the overdiagnoses of ADD.
11. Do you wear glasses/contacts? Both
12. Middle name? Elaine
13. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I am hungry.  I want to snuggle Lilly instead of going to work.  I want our vacation to get here quicker.
14. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:  Water, Milk, OJ
15. Current worry? If starting my own business is going to work out.
16. Current hate right now? My dirty house.
17. Favorite place to be? Anywhere my husband and baby are.
18. How did you bring in the new year? With Brett's family.
19. Where would you like to go next? We ARE going to Philly in 14 days!
20. Name three people who will complete this: I have no idea. I think Kelly will if she has time :)
21. Do you own slippers? Yes. Though, I can't find one of them so I can wear them.
22 What color shirt are you wearing? I am wearing a pink robe.
23. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No, they're too slippery.
24. Can you whistle? Yep.
25. Where are you now? Living Room.
26. Would you be a pirate? I was once for Halloween. Also, if being a pirate involved Johnny Depp being there in some way...uh..yeah.
27. What songs do you sing in the shower? On a rare occasion. When nobody is home.
28. Favorite girls names? Lilliana, Margot, Autumn...there are a lot, we made a big list before Lilly was born.
29. Favorite boy's name? Kennedy, August, Oliver...again, a lot.
30. What is in your pocket right now? A binky.
31. Last thing that made you laugh? Lilly 'arguing' with her red dog that hangs from her swing.
32. What vehicle do you drive? 2004 Impala.
33. Worst injury you've ever had? I've sprained my ankle 6 times (in the same year), Broken my Arm...does a c-section count as an injury?
34. Do you love where you live? I don't love it, but I guess I like it..enough. (One thing about me...I always want to live somewhere else and when I live there I don't like it)
35. How many TVs do you have in your house? One.
36. What's your shoe size? 10.
37. What do you wear to bed? Nothing.
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