Title: Persuasion | Prologue & Chapter One | Plan of Attack
Author: Nate
Pairing: A crossover between Paris Gellar from Gilmore Girls, and Addison Montgomery from Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice
Spoilers: Post-series for Gilmore Girls, where Paris is in Boston at Harvard Medical School and quickly rising...without Doyle, who moved back to Indiana
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Comments 3
i was scanning through while killing time and waiting for a certain someone to come online, and there I saw your name. there was squeeing involved.
i am so glad you decided to expand this into a larger story! i adored the drabble and actually seeing the context behind it is wonderful - i love this future version of paris in med school (oh how i loved walking the halls of harvard med school when i was on a tour) and imagining her sitting in a lecture with addison. i also adored the callica reference - subtle but perfect!
this has such great promise...i think you're doing a wonderful job bringing these women together in a respectful, sexy way. i can't wait to see where you take this, mcboo!
I have a feeling that if they fight it's going to be like the clash of the Titans. *lol*
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