We had this stupid Award thing to turn in for photography class; we had to submit what we thought our best photo. It's all of so-cal and winner gets something like $5,000.
So I had this great image in my head for a picture: someone dressed sharply with a pumpkin on their head holding a victorian candle stick holder. [GOD it looks so great in my mind]
Anyway, the shoot didn't come out how I envisioned so I chose another picture. I chose the picture I took of Andrew (ugghhh...Andrew) as a dead Starbucks Barista with a moon and stars photoshopped in the background. I had finally gotten my colours right and printed out my prints until I read the fine print: no logos or trademarks or any intellectual properties. DAMNIT!
I needed to quickly edit the logo and change it to something else, while my deadline was Friday. It was Wednesday and I still had to have a photoshoot with Dane (my hilarious coworker) and his friends on Thursday, so I had no real time to work on my picture. Not to mention MY MEMORY CARD FAILED! I couldn't put the image on the disk to take home, and after all my hard work of managing to get it on there, I get home and my card was completely blank! UGGHH!!
Anyway, luckily I edited the picture just fine (although it printed out a bit too contrasty) and the shoot with Dane went well too. I'll post some of my photography later =).
Then...TODAY. FUCK MY LIFE. Clancy's was such a shithole! I get there and EVERYTHING is chaotic. The specials of the day inserts weren't printed because the computers were failed, the computer system for credit cards was down, Monika (the stupid host who cried once) was there, and the managers on duty were John and Alan (the newer manager.)
Now, Alan isn't bad...he tries. But oh my GOD John is the worst piece of crap manager EVER! He is so lazy and isn't good for ANYTHING and I don't understand WHY he's a manager! Example? I went to the back to get the cash drawer counted before the PM shift started and John said "No" to my question of "Can you count my drawer, please?"
"Why not?" I asked
"I'm not counting any drawers after I check Michael out."
"Well, who will!"
"I dunno." THANKS DUMBASS! Seriously, he came out to the restuarant TWICE for no more than five minutes the WHOLE night.
And it doesn't help that Monika is ENTIRELY INCOMPETANT! Oh my GOD! After she saw I was completely fed up with her stupidity and dependecy (is that a word?) on people telling her what she should do, she says "You know, I think it's so chaotic because there's a lack of communication with how we go about doing things."
...She says that and then get this: A party of ten strolls in and there was confusion about who was going to take it, so I say "Hang on, don't seat them until I tell you to." then I turn around and she says "Okay, I'm seating them now."
However, Dane was the comic relief and the night got tolerable.
Sorry for the length, I REALLY needed to complain about my job and the stupidness this week has brought along. =\.