I Make My Own Canon

Jun 09, 2011 20:50

Game I've been playing on tumblr which I may as well do here also! Give me a comic that doesn't actually exist and I'll tell you all about what happened in it. (Some ideas.)

For fuckyeahbatgirls/shobogan:

Cass and Steph as Batgirl and Robin:

I love that Alfred had the suit ready in Cass’ size, because of course he did. It hurt that he had to tell her Bruce left it for her, though. (I’m actually not sure how I feel about her not noticing it was a lie, though, since, Cass. I guess we can pretend that it’s because she wanted it so much to be true? And I guess if anyone can lie so well even Cass fell for it, it would be Alfred.)

Also, Steph helping Cass with her “homework” is the cutest thing. (Fair’s fair, Steph, you did promise you’d teach her to read.)

Getting Damion Scott back to draw this is the best idea anyone ever had. I can’t afford to buy original art but if I could that page with Robin kicking the Joker in the teeth would be MINE FOREVER.

The time the Junior Birds of Prey crossed over with the Wonder Girls for a miniseries:

I think my favourite part was when Lori steals Donna’s powers and is all ready to fight her and Donna just…. Gives her a hug, and tells her she’ll do what she can to make everything okay. That was just. Everything that is great about Donna, in a nutshell. I love that it’s canon now that the super-strength is just icing, her power really is hugs. (Although if Charlie gets any more “favourite heroes ever” I don’t know what her future costume is gonna look like.)

I’m glad to see Cassie and Charlie team-up. Cassie has obviously come a long way, but when she first started? They weren’t so different. And I think that’s what Charlie needs right now, to know that she’s not the only one who is just so full of joy at the idea of heroing. And maybe meeting Charlie means Cassie can get a little of that old spark back? Maybe? One can only hope.

And, of course, SIN. Someday it will stop being hilarious whenever villains try to kidnap her assuming she’s the easiest to take down? TODAY IS DEFINITELY NOT THAT DAY.

The time Birds of Prey Elite teamed up with Jason Todd and the Outsiders:

Honestly I was mostly happy to see that team again! I get why they didn’t get an ongoing- even I understand that we don’t need TWO BoP titles- but the mini was just SO GOOD, you know?

I hope in part two Jay figures out who Oracle is though. I think maybe he’d shut up and let them help if he knew who was behind the operation? Maybe? I JUST WANT MY FAVOURITES TO ALL BE FRIENDS, DAMMIT. (Relatedly, Grace and Onyx need to be in the same book ALWAYS. SO GREAT. I hope they stay in touch.)

I know even if Cass doesn’t stop Jay from killing the Joker next issue, Anissa probably will. (Because for all her “No, I’m on the covert-antihero-team now, we totally don’t have rules like that!”, she was raised by Black Lightning. Closest thing to a traditional superhero either team has right now.)

Which is sort of a shame. Ah well, DC would never let them succeed anyway, the Joker’s too marketable a character.

For evillordzog:

The time Renee and Lois teamed up to solve a mystery:

That’s something I really appreciate about this ‘Tec run. People solving mysteries. It’s only the title of the book, right? Right. I’m glad it was a fake-out and the villain turned out to be a new character and not the Joker, taking Renee to Metropolis to have her fight the same people she sees in Gotham would have been ridiculous.

Also, the flashback of tiny baby Lois reading her Nancy Drew book was the most adorable thing that has ever happened.

The Wonder Woman issue where Diana organises a DCU-wide workshop for female heroes on Themyscira:

Oh, that was such a great story! I really like the way it highlighted that the Amazons have things to learn from the outside world, not just the other way around. The scene with Cass alone was worth the cover price! Of course we know she can hold her own against three Themysciran warriors, but they obviously didn’t.

And Kate, well, Kate took to it like she was born there! (If I hadn’t already shipped Kate/Diana after WW 600, I would after this one for sure!) And, of course, Oracle and The Oracle brought a tear to my eye.

I could have lived without the Rose scene though? I feel like there was a bit of “Ha ha Hippolyta thinks Rose and Cassie are dating, those wacky Amazons!” thing going on. I know everybody’s happy to get canon acknowledgment of Rose/Cassie though, maybe I’m just ~sensitive.~

For booklover81:

Helena showing up in Detective as well as BoP and possibly Secret Six:

Oh man, I was so happy to see Helena in ‘Tec! I hope this becomes a regular thing, like when Babs and Dick were dating and we got Nightwing/BoP crossovers all the time. I mean, if it was up to me we’d have at least heard from Daria again before Renee started seeing someone seriously? But with Helena she doesn’t have to lie about anything! And neither does Helena! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, they’re really good for each other.

Worried about how Blake’s gonna take this, though.

For odditycollector:

"I'm *still* a bit terrified after the storyline where Oracle, Lois Lane and Amanda Waller accidentally end up tag-team mentoring the younger generation of heroes. I mean, I lol'd my ass off while reading, but after I'd actually thought about it? Terrified."

Right? Drake, you are in so far over your head, you don’t even know. Someone with as much raw power as Black Alice, being trained by those three? The world doesn’t stand a chance.

I liked Steph’s awe at meeting Lois. Nice to know someone remembers that she was the kid who wanted to be Superman! And, of course, if anyone can teach Wendy to channel her anger into something more useful, it’s Amanda Waller.

Putting Cissie in there was a real stroke of genius, though. I never would have expected that, but it’s perfect! Exactly what she needs, a way (or three ways) to be a hero without the mask and the trick arrows.

I also especially liked that ending, with Babs coming home exhausted and Helena just laughing at her all “I-told-you-so.”. Because yes, teaching teenagers is hard work!

This entry was originally posted at http://gwenfrankenstien.dreamwidth.org/54626.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

comics that only exist in my head

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