
Feb 15, 2004 23:27

Well Its been a few days since I have updates my B just havent felt like it really, but now Im super bored and got nothing to do soo what the hell, Umm my first day at north cobb was alright.. i guess.. Ummm the people there are cool the school sucks! Umm Friday night I went over and spent some time with steph cause she wasnt feeling good soo I ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

mrenderisin February 16 2004, 15:51:35 UTC
shawh i have no idea why you arent on my friends list, but you are now. add me back nigga.


baaaabbbbbyyyy!!!! blackcherry663 February 17 2004, 06:44:27 UTC
Baby!!! I LOVE U!!!! Feel better!!


iheartgaymenxxx February 17 2004, 09:16:39 UTC
shawaawananwnahenw ahe hey comment # 10


mrshawnrogers February 17 2004, 09:21:06 UTC
hahahaha jorrrdaaaaaaaannnn


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