Title: In Seoul Tonight
Rating: PG-13
Pairng: Sun/Sayid
Disclaimer: I like borrowing things
Summary: Sayid gets an assignement in Seoul
Spoilers: Up to Ji Yeon, I think.
Notes: Yeah, strange. I know. For
lostfichallenge Challenge #72 The O6
PS: I hate this fic.
There are two evil men Seoul tonight.
One is the man who will be killed. One is the man who will kill him.
He wakes as the plane lands, the wheels slowing on the dark tarmac as night comes. The crowds of the plane jostle about in there seats and, somewhere, a baby is crying. He watches as they all leave, scowls on their pinched faces as they stretch their weary limbs.
The car is parked outside the airport, just as he said. The hotel is the same as in every other place; grand, beautiful, hollow.
He strides confidently onto the streets of Seoul, knowing the route he will take instantly. He switches his cell off.
He stands outside her door in the dead of night. Slowly, sharply, he knocks on the wooden frame.
The door opens just seconds later.
Misery loves company.
He invites him in without another word. They sit at the table in her kitchenette, steaming coffee mugs firmly in their grips. She watches his face intensely, his eyes wander past her.
“Why are you here, Sayid?”
There is a tinge of fear that echoes in her quiet voice, and Ji Yeon sleeps, silent and untroubled.
“Business, perhaps.”
That much is obvious, he thinks, knowing that she must be able to feel the gun inside his suit, because it feels so very heavy.
There is a scrape of wood against metal flooring. Sun dunks her mug in the sink and stays there. He follows her and slips a hand round her waist, pulling her with him to her bedroom, whispering a secret language in her ear.
He wakes up next to her, their limbs entwined and their bodies curved into each other, like they’ve done this a million times. He supposes they have, actually. They’ve made this mistake hundreds of times, woke up in many strange beds.
She watches him silently as he leaves, her eyes all-knowing.
It’s his second night in Seoul, after a day of silent cell phones and room service to entertain his bored mind.
He checks out his hotel.
(his cell stays silent)
He takes the same route he’s taken a thousand times.
The route of heartbreak, he thinks morosely.
She watches him with sunken, dead eyes that he has adapted to but will never accept.
“And how long do you intend to stay, Sayid? How long?”
“As long as it takes, Sun.”
That night, after their flesh bumping and grinding, and their hands trawling the depths of each other’s bodies, they sleep in each others arms.
Its funny, Sayid thinks, how the bed never becomes warmer, not matter how hard he tries.
The third night in Seoul, and his cell rings.
(I have a name for you)
It’s been two weeks of living this lie, this far too surreal fantasy of theirs.
Sayid returns to her apartment (why keeps telling him he can call it his apartment now) and finds her sitting at the table, her cheeks tear-stained and her eyes sad and defiant.
His gun sits just out of her reach, on the table, and it looks out of place in her apartment.
“I’m sorry.”
no, he isn’t sorry. he’s doing this for nadia, his beautiful wife shot down in no mans land in a terrible war.
he just has to keep telling himself this.
He takes the gun and leaves the room.
Her mug smashes against the wall, and he hears a grunt of fury.
The sex is angrier that night, he thrusts hard into her and she draws blood from his lip.
The bedposts smash against the wall, and all Sayid can do is throw is head back in ecstasy.
I hate you, she says.
I know.
Then he falls asleep.
She murmurs Korean in her sleep, gentle whisperings that tumble into the silence of the night like secrets. Her face is peaceful.
she runs her fingers through his curls, and yanks hard suddenly. he grunts and pulls his closer, keeping her hands tight on her hips. she smiles to herself.
Sometimes, when she cries, she lets him hold her.
“Because you lost somebody too, y-you lost somebody too, didn’t you Sayid?”
Sun tells him she doesn’t blame him for what happened.
“But I’ll always blame myself.”
“If I could turn back time, change things-”
“Then you wouldn’t be here, would you, Sayid?” She snaps back, irritably.
He shrugs.
“Don’t let yourself fall for her, Sayid. Finish the mission. I have another name for you.”
Ji Yeon is such a perfect child, he thinks. Demure and lovely and oh so beautiful.
Sun doesn’t let him too close to her.
It is his last night in Seoul.
There is a dead man in Seoul tonight.
They make love gently for the first time, his dark hands on her porcelain body, soothing and slow.
Both sleep instantly.
but neither dream
He doesn’t say goodbye.
she can mourn him if she likes, it won’t matter if he’s gone