1. The one could stop the benefit payments for one month, take your money instead. Lots of paperwork
2. Take the payment, declare it to the authorites. When he is on the first level he can keep the money if it does not make hinm work more than 20 h a month, if he is on the second level already (hartz4law) he will get a reduction of his benefit up to 80% of what he got from you.
Wont help as Your problem will take place in UK and not in germany but.... You asked...
It is in the UK, but it's interesting anyway to find out how it works elsewhere - there's no reason why I'd not be commissioning art from anywhere really! :)
You can do a day's paid work in a week, up to £200 I think, before you need to cancel and restart the benefit. You won't get benefit for the day you were paid to work. It makes one long day better than a part time over the full week.
Hm. That's useful to know. Will have to look into details, though, like precise limits. Also means it's not worth paying someone less than a tenner for anything.
Moral obligation aside, the issue really is that I need a paper trail for my payments for tax reasons, so there's a remote possibility that they'd be caught if they're doing something wrong, should my accounts be reviewed ;)
The whole gift thing is interesting really. I'm not sure how it works if you, say, sell your car. Or, of course, sell a picture you drew :)
I actually agree that this sort of payment is too small to matter, but the problem is the cut off point - how much is too much?
I think the one-off payments usually fall under the rules about savings rather than earnings.
I very much doubt government departments are organised enough to follow that sort of paper trail!
Can't you just put it under business expenses? That would save you and the person so much trouble. I really don't think the tax man cares about small amounts of money here and there.
Comments 7
1. The one could stop the benefit payments for one month, take your money instead. Lots of paperwork
2. Take the payment, declare it to the authorites. When he is on the first level he can keep the money if it does not make hinm work more than 20 h a month, if he is on the second level already (hartz4law) he will get a reduction of his benefit up to 80% of what he got from you.
Wont help as Your problem will take place in UK and not in germany but.... You asked...
The whole gift thing is interesting really. I'm not sure how it works if you, say, sell your car. Or, of course, sell a picture you drew :)
I actually agree that this sort of payment is too small to matter, but the problem is the cut off point - how much is too much?
I very much doubt government departments are organised enough to follow that sort of paper trail!
Can't you just put it under business expenses? That would save you and the person so much trouble. I really don't think the tax man cares about small amounts of money here and there.
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