i am so far behind with all the fest reading that i've just decided to leave it all until i get back from my trip.
i know i'm failing utterly at keeping up with you all. i skim the flist, but my brain has no room to deal with reading/answering much.
so... you know... have a meme!
gakked from
kath_ballantyne how old were you when you first...
* Fell in love?
16? i'm never sure which story to class as that.
* Got a MySpace account?
* Got drunk?
* Smoked weed?
never (but first time i got a bit of a second hand high was aged 15)
* Got French kissed?
14 -hated it! (my how things have changed)
* Went to the hospital for surgery?
33 - caesarean section
* Got your heart broken badly?
* Lost a pet?
* Got arrested?
* Smoked a cigarette?
14 ? i think. i was drunk at the time...
* Broken a bone?
13 - fingers got crushed
* Went to a concert?
in utero! and continually throughout my life.
first that was my own choice - went to split enz for my 13th birthday. WOOT.
* Got your own cell/mobile phone?
* Got a speeding ticket?
never! amazing, huh?
* Ran away?
when i was a teenager i ran away over night a couple of times.
* Snuck out of the house?
always was sneaking out, but i'd be back by dawn. except for the times above. which were differentiated by the act of letting my parents know i wasn't home. they found out about the other times when i told them when i was in my late 20s.
* Pierced other than your ears?
35 - nose.
* Got a tattoo?
never but i'd LOVE to.
* Bought porn?
never bought it. a porn faery has given me some, though.
* Totalled a car?
ugh. 26ish. it was awful. veered slightly - not used to brand new power steering- and collided full speed with a parked car.
* Moved out of your parents house?
couple of days before i turned 17.
* Had a kid?
* Got married?
24 (or 25? i can never remember)
* How old are you now?