Title: Bob Once More Rating: Not Intended for Children (Adult Language) Fandom: Bandom/Dragonriders of Pern crossover (posted for bandom_pern) Pairing: Bob/Spencer Warnings: None Words: 3070 Summary: Bob is avoiding everyone.
eep! i was trying to think of an overly complex name that bob would have shortened to dixie.../o\ but it felt all wrong to actually use that when it came down to it, so i just left it at dradineth. i'm a terrible person...
sorry i hadn't replied to this comment! so rude omg!
i'm pretty squidgy at your thoughts on it. i'm sorry for the sad! i am! i feel SO bad for it! but also... yay that it did "work" the way i was hoping. i'm trying to get the next bit written and this is pretty motivating.
Holy cow. I've had this WIP bookmarked to read for something like six weeks and now I'm kicking myself for waiting so long. IT'S. SO. GOOD.
All of my very favorite bandom characters in Pern. :dies: Boys and girls and their dragons may just be the best thing ever. I'm dying to find out more about Bob and for he and Spencer to finally work it out. Thank you so much for writing such a vivid and interesting Brian.
Comments 22
thanks so much for reading, kosh. <3
ps i really love the name dradineth. how'd you come up with it?
eep! i was trying to think of an overly complex name that bob would have shortened to dixie.../o\ but it felt all wrong to actually use that when it came down to it, so i just left it at dradineth. i'm a terrible person...
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i'm pretty squidgy at your thoughts on it. i'm sorry for the sad! i am! i feel SO bad for it! but also... yay that it did "work" the way i was hoping. i'm trying to get the next bit written and this is pretty motivating.
thank you for reading and for letting me know! <3
All of my very favorite bandom characters in Pern. :dies: Boys and girls and their dragons may just be the best thing ever. I'm dying to find out more about Bob and for he and Spencer to finally work it out. Thank you so much for writing such a vivid and interesting Brian.
I can't wait for more!
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