I really have nothing to say.
I know how I'm going to vote and every debate and article and newsflash simply validates my decision.
But my dad- retired army sgt. of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam- had me look up answers to questions he had.
1. "I don't believe Romney marched with Martin Luther King- did he?"
and 2. "I want to know why none of Romney's sons served in the military. Is something wrong with them?"
And here's what I found:
Flat-Out Liar
In his 2008 presidential campaign, Romney simply lied repeatedly while trying to reinvent himself as a conservative. For example:
-- "I have a gun of my own."
(Not true. He was talking about a gun one of his grown sons own.)
-- "I've been a hunter pretty much my entire life."
(He hunted once at 15, and a second time in his late 50s.)
-- "I told you what my position was, and what I, what I did as governor; the fact that I received the endorsement of the NRA."
(No - and his Democratic opponent actually had a higher NRA rating)
-- "I saw my father march with Martin Luther King."
(No, they never marched together. They were both in Michigan at the same time once, but Mitt was in France on his mission.)
-- "My father and I marched with Martin Luther King Jr. through the streets of Detroit."
(even more false...)
This last lie was the funnest because of all the waffling that Romney did trying to explain it. After a Boston newspaper showed that they couldn't have marched together, Mitt's spokesman said that "George W. Romney and Martin Luther King Jr. marched together in June, 1963 -- although possibly not on the same day or in the same city." And Mitt then explained "I've tried to be as accurate as I can be. If you look at the literature or look at the dictionary, the term 'saw' includes being aware of in the sense I've described. I'm an English literature major as well. When we say I saw the Patriots win the World Series, it doesn't necessarily mean you were there -- excuse me, the Super Bowl. I saw my dad become president of American Motors. Did that mean you were there for the ceremony? No, its a figure of speech." -- Sources
Draft Dodger and Chickenhawk
Mitt Romney, incredibly, was able to avoid serving in Vietnam because he was on his Mormon mission, driving around the French countryside. (The Mormon church defined missions -- which all good young Mormon men go on -- as a form of priesthood.) In fact, not one of Romney's five sons has served in the military either, despite Mitt arguing for U.S. military involvement in Iraq and elsewhere.
Even more outrageously, when he was asked to justify this hypocrisy, Romney claimed that his sons were serving the country by driving Winnebagos around Iowa and campaigning for him.
Even my Sweet Baboo tried to get into the Air Force, but he's color-blind and found out at that point he was diabetic.
And with this last debate Romney said women needed flexible schedules so they could go home and cook dinner... and I just... I just... what year is this?!
Because I coulda sworn that was said by someone stuck in the 50's!
A message for the extreme right- which includes my sweet Baboo:
Let go of the past and all the flights of fancy of an ideal world that never existed. (So called 'Small Town Values.')
Let it go!
Progress demands we move forward.
We adapt, we improve, we move forward.
We can look back and lament.
We can look back in nostalgia.
But we can never GO back.
This is an ever-changing world.
We must change with it.
Or else stagnate and die.
Survival of the fittest is not based on the smartest or strongest, but on the one who adapts and moves ahead.
And that's my 2 cents.