It was around the 4th of July- we had gone to the grocery store to get things for our BBQ.
The kids got my Sweet Baboo a grill for a 'Not-my-real' Father's Day present and we were gonna do some serious grilling on it.
I bought a 2 lb bag of cherries.
We didn't get to eat any of them.
So, the next day, when 1of4 asked what I was gonna do for the day- I told her I was gonna go to my Sweet Baboo's and dry out my cherries.
She said I didn't have to be vulgar.
In any case, I didn't get to go.
The weather around here has been havoc on my joints and muscles.
It's been weird rainy, and stormy, and humid.
I had run out of pain pills and had to wait two weeks to see the doctor for a refill.
(They're prescribed for one a day, but sometimes I take them twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.)
It was torture.
Time went on and I hadn't seen my Sweet Baboo.
And my body felt like it was being twisted and breaking apart without any relief.
But on a nice day, when I wasn't feeling so bad, I told everyone not to bother me, because I was going to my Sweet Baboo's to dry out my cherries and that it would take all day.
Their expressions of pure disgust had me laughing so hard- I wound up hurting myself and didn't go.
It had been so long that my bag of cherries were sitting in his fridge, and I hadn't seen him for days....
I finally called him to throw them out.
I would get fresh ones when I knew I could take care of them.
"But I didn't tell you the big surprise," he said.
"What surprise?" I hate surprises.
"I went through them and washed them, and pitted them, and dried them out in the oven all day. You have 78 dried cherries the texture of raisins all ready for you to bake with."
And I cried.
Because as I marveled at such a wonderful act done for me- (I know for a fact that no one would ever do that for me- check online how to dry out fruit and do so,) I pictured Cherry Chocolate Biscotti, Cherry Chip Cookies, Fruit Cake, Muffins!
All with perfectly dried cherries!
And he gets the first batch of whatever he wants.
The next time I see him, he gets a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck.
I just hope I see him soon.
It's terrible being in a relationship when you don't have time for a relationship.
But at least there's dried cherries waiting at the end of the tunnel.