Does the Stupidity never end?

Aug 27, 2012 17:40

"Paul Ryan Said Something That Should Force Him Off the Ticket, But You Probably Didn't Hear About It
Posted: 08/27/2012 8:14 am

Last week, Paul Ryan gave an interview in which, defending his position that there should be no excuses for abortion, he referred to rape as a "method of conception."

Wow, right? Talk about a benign euphemism. Rape -- RAPE! -- is now a "method of conception." You know, like love-making, just without the love."

And that's why GOD sent a hurricane to the GOP convention.
It's just too bad it veered off to New Orleans.


Here's another little gem.
Does it never end?

"Trying to distance himself from the "legitimate rape" comment that Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) made last week, Pennsylvania Senate candidate Tom Smith (R) stirred up further controversy by comparing a pregnancy caused by rape to "having a baby out of wedlock."
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